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It's been a few months since Charles and I have tried for a baby.

And I believe we succeeded. I had ever requested my mother's presents to speak with her about it and learned from her experience when she was pregnant with me and my siblings.

When she got to Charles's and my place she seemed overjoyed and pulled me into her arms.

"Oh my baby is having a baby," she says

"I am not too sure of that, which is why I requested your presents so I could see if what you went through is similar," I tell her

"Have you been sick in the morning or afternoon?" she questioned

"Yes" I replied

"Has some foods made you sick to where you rush off to empty your stomach?"


"Well, my dear those are the main things that can tell you if your pregnant. I mean that's how I knew every time I was pregnant" she says

I smiled and offered her some tea before we sat and talked about all the things that I should prepare for.

"Now Charles works for the king and is also his leading man in battle so there will be plenty of days where you'll be parenting alone and have no help except those of the ladies that work here," Mother tells me

"Yea I know and I understand that. I am positive I will be a splendid mother since I was raised by a single mom" I replied

"Only difference is your child will have their father in their life where you and your siblings didn't," she says

I sighed and looked down.

She lifts my head making me look at her.

"He chose to leave, so it was his loss," she says

"I know," I tell her

"Besides I am sure you've made a new man out of Charles and he will be more than happy to help you out with this baby you're carrying," she says

I go to say something but the front door opens and in walks Charles along with Edward who is fast asleep in his father's arms.

I stood up going to go and lay Edward down but Charles tells me no.

"Spend time with your mother I have him," he says

I smiled and go back to where I was seated.

"Hello Ms.Hender" Charles greets

"Hello dear" mother replies back

He walks off to Edward's room while I look back at my mother who was smiling.

"See if he wouldn't be in this baby's life then he wouldn't be in Edward's," she says

"But mother Edward's mom passed," I tell her

"I know, but he is still Charles's."

I nodded in agreement

"And he's been raising him with your help since he requested you to come to live with him which I knew that something would happen when you told me of that. I've seen how he looked at you when you weren't looking. And I saw how he put on a front just to hide his real emotions for you. Until you about left him. Then he brought them to the surface and here we are" she says

"Sorry about that. He had a splendid time with Elizabeth. They both wore each other out" Charles says as he comes to join mother and me

"Oh no need to apologize" mother assures him

He leans over and kisses her cheek before coming over and kissing me softly. I grin and crease his cheek before he sits next to me and takes my hand.

"Oh I better get going, I am meeting up with some friends and we are gonna be having a huge baking sale that we need to prep for," she says

We all three stand and Walk her to the door. After hugging and kissing goodbye I watch as she climbs into the carriage and rides off.

I looked at Charles and smile before pulling him to me and kissing him.

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