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He did as I had asked him to and he brought it to me himself. I looked it over before closing it up and going to put it with my other important papers.

"Alright since you've done as I asked you then I shall do as you asked. But I promise you this if you ever dare to bed another woman I will make your life hell" I tell him

"And you'd have every right," he says

I nodded my head

He walked up to me and was a little leery to touch me.

"Can I kiss you?" he asked

"You may," I tell him

He grabs my face and pulls me to him smashing his lips against mine.

I wrap my arms around him losing myself in finally experiencing a proper first kiss.

When he pulls back I look at him and see him smiling.

"I should've married you from the start, then Edward would've been our soon, but none the less you are allowing me to have you, and soon he will be our son," he says

"If he will allow me to be his mother," I say

"Why don't we go and ask him?" he questions

"Yes let's do that," I say

 He takes my arm and tucks it under his as we walk out of the living room and walk outside where Edward is playing.

"Edward my dear son please come here" Charles calls for him

Edward walks over to us.

"Yes father?" he asked

Charles lets my arm go and kneels to Edward's level.

"I have a serious question for you," Charles says

"Alright," Edward says

"What would you think if I made Asilynn your new mother and last mother? " Charles asked

Edward looks from his father to me and I smiled.

"I've only ever thought of her as my mother, not Catherine but Ms. Asilynn" Edward replies

My smile broadens as Charles chuckles and ruffles Edwards's hair.

"Would you be alright if she and I marry?" he asks

 Edward looked back up to me and he smiled one of the brightest smiles I'd ever see him wear.

"I'd love it so" he replied

"Well I had asked to court her then we will marry" Charles explains

"Splendid," Edward says and I chuckle before I squat down and offer him a hug.

 He throws himself at me and I catch him and keep myself steady.

"I am so glad you'll be my actual mother," Edward says

" I am gald too hunny" I tell him

I stop hugging him when he pulls back and then hugs Charles

"Thank you," Edward says

"Your welcome" Charles says


After telling Edward that his father and I would marry Charles went and talked with King Henry to make sure we had his blessing.

I stayed behind and tended to Edward. we played around, ate lunch then sat by the fire as I read to him and he drew different things that his imagination came up with.

By the time Charles came back home, it was dark and I had already tucked Edward in bed and I myself was laying in my bed reading after I had a nice soak in warm water.

"Well darling the King is allowing us to court than when the time comes for us to marry he said he will be sure to attend the wedding" Charles explained

I smiled as I looked up saving my page and closing my book.

"That's great," I say

Charles shut my bedroom door and walks over removes his shoes, and clothes leaving him in his undergarments before he laid with me in bed.

I looked over at him and watched him as he stared up at me.

"I want to thank you for defended my property and I am sorry we got into a fight over what had happened," he says

"Thank you for apologizing. and your welcome" I tell him

he reaches up and tucks the loose hair that fell in front of my face.

"How was your's and Edwards time together while I was away?" he asked

"It was great, we played, we cooked, I read to him as he drew whatever his imagination came up with" I replied

"You've always been like a mom to him and I was too blinded by ignorance to fully notice," He says

I lay in bed properly and face him.

"they say you never notice things untill it's almost too late," I said

"It would've been a shame that I would have lost a good thing and wonderful woman," he says

"It would've been a hard lesson" I voice

"One I'd regret having to learn," he tells ms

I nodded in agreement before I lay on my back and relax.

"Do you mind me lying here with you? I swear I won't touch you in any way you don't want me to" 

I looked at him.

"No sexual touching till I am ready."

"You have my promise."

"Then you can lay here with me."

He smiled and wrapped his arm around me and laid his head on my shoulder.

We talk a bit more before going to sleep.

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