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A cool Autumn breeze blows by, kicking up dirt and leaves taking them with it on its journey, a pair of comfort shoes are seen walking towards the grand gates of UA. Music blasts from his headphones as he continues his walk to class.

He sits at his desk, feet on the table and arms over the backrest with his head leaned back, he continues to listen to his music ignoring what's going on around him. A spiked red-headed male approaches his desk.

"Hey Bakubro" Kirishima greets.

 Taking out his earphones and turning his head, crimson eyes meet a pair of vibrant red. "What do you want Shitty Hair!?" An angry Pomeranian yells.

"Just seeing how you are!" Kiri replies happily though his tone turns to frustration "Besides our hair ain't that different!"

Just as Bakugo took a breath to continue,  Aizawa-sensei entered the room in his usual manner, slinking across the floor in his sleeping bag, as he emerged from the folds of the fabric , ready to start teaching the mornings lesson, a bright light consumed the teacher and his students. 

This phenomenon was mirrored in several other locations affecting other class and staff members, but it didn't stop there it continued on through the city Musutafu impacting  several other pro heroes, civilians and even some villains.

Being simultaneously released from their suspension with resounding thuds, groans and 'ow's'   echoed around the room.

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE!?" The resident explosive boy of 1A yelled.

"Mum!? Auntie Mitsuki, Uncle Masaru!?" Our pure, innocent broccoli bean yelled. 

No one noticed how Bakugo tensed at the use of his mothers name.

"How'd we get here!" Someone from the crowd yells. Looking around the room everyone could see that they were in a movie theatre complete with reclining seats. A snack bar took up most of the left wall while bathrooms were on the right. If you looked to the back of the theatre you would see a door with the words 'Play Room/ Panic Room'.

 If you looked to the back of the theatre you would see a door with the words 'Play Room/ Panic Room'

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                                                       (^The Theatre^)

Out of the confusion of seeing where they were the small group of villains yelled "Heroes!" believing they could get attacked at any second they moved ito an offensive position. 

After the villains had yelled this out the heroes took notice of them, gathering the heroes-in-training and civilians together, they got into a defensive position in front of them ready for the attack. Just before the fight could rage a gun shot sounded around the room, silencing everyone. "Now that I have your attention, let's get down to buisness, before you annihilate each other." A cheerful voice called from the shadows. 

"Who are you!?" Everyone screamed in unison.

"Keep it down will ya? The sounds hurting her sensitive ears." A pained voice spoke as a figure emerged from the shadows showing a two toned brown wolf with sapphire blue eyes. She had long chocolate brown hair that reached her waist, with two big fluffy ears atop her head, she wore a white hoodie and black ripped jeans. "My name is Katherine, Katherine McClain, but you can call me, Biscuit."

                                                 (^What she looked like^)

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                                                 (^What she looked like^)

She gave a cheerful smile "And I brought you here!" She announced happily. Some of the heroes and the villians started to charge at her. 

"I don't want to hurt you!" She yelled frantically, waving her hands in front of herself. They still continued. 

The girl soon Realised that she didn't think this through.  "I wouldn't do that! I disabled your quirks!" She Panically yelled. They stopped dead in their tracks. (Dadzawa keeps his quirk, lord knows he'll need it to control the hooligans in the theatre)

"If you didn't want to hurt us then what do you want?" Dadza- *cough* *cough* I mean Aizawa-sensei asked supiciously.

"I brought you hear to watch the multiverse of someone. It's -" she gets cut off mid-reply.

"Who!?" Everyone yelled in sync....

 'Scary', Katherine thought as she sweat dropped. "Someone who is overlooked because of their personality" She replied calmly, or as calmly as someone can when they have about 53 sets of eyeballs boring holes into their soul, can.

Suddenly the room exploded into chaos, responses such as "Oh, that's gotta be me!" and "No way man, it's me surely" were thrown left and right, everyone hoping secretly or loudly it to be them. Three people stood out of the crowd as they sat there quietly, Aizawa who was curled up in his sleeping bag that he pulled from I don't know where, a shy bushy haired greenette and an explosive Pomeranian teen. 

"SHUT UP!" An annoyed wolf screamed. The talking died away in fear of angering her more.

"Thank you. Now as I was saying, we are watching a multiverse about our resident King Explodo, Katsuki Bakugo." She stated loud and firmly.

...... Silence enveloped the theatre.


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