I Want You

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A/N: Sorry this took so long to get out, I dont really have an excuse. Hope you enjoy this chapter. 

Credit to EIJIROKIRISHIMA989 for the suggestion and credit to Scoff Sco for the inspiration of this story.

Pairings: ShigaBaku

Song: I Want You by Marian Hill




Multiverse Found...

I Want You

The screen lights up to show the inside of a bar, it appears to be pretty empty with only a couple people here and there signifying it's still early into the night so nothing has really kicked off. The screen focuses on two lone figures sitting side by side. You see the figures from the back, as the camera pans up the side of the first figure you see that they are wearing black combat boots, with black ripped skinny jeans, their top consists of a skin tight white, t-shirt with an un-zipped black jaket over the top, they also wear a black beanie that does nothing to cover their untamable blonde spiked hair. The camera switches to the other person, they wear black and white ankle lengthed converse, with black dress pants, their top is a white button up shirt and their hair is shoulder length and ratty looking with a blue tinge to it. 

"WHY ARE YOU IN A BAR?! YOU'RE UNAGE AND WITH A VILLAIN!" All Might screeches, glaring at both Katsuki and Shigaraki. Katsuki slightly flinches promting Todoroki to put his arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. Midoriya sends a harsh glare to All Might. 

Before the situation can escalate Katherine interupts "Actually this is a no-quirked universe for starters, secondly Shigaraki isn't a villain, Ass Might and lastly their of legal age" (I'm sorry All Might Lover's out there I've read one to many where he's a dick and now it's just stuck with me ;-;)

"The fuck makes you think I know anyway?" Katsuki muttered looking off to the side.

The camera pans to focus on Katsuki at a mid-shot showing a drink of what appears to be scotch (I don't know alcohol bear with me here ;-;) she stares at her drink before her gaze glides to her right and she looks at Shigaraki "Well, babe I've got this drink." 

Shigaraki turns to look at Katsuki as she talks before smiling and replying to her "Turns out I've got some space."

"(O-o), did Shiggy just flirt?" Toga muttered.

"Didn't know you had it in ya Crusty. He totally did" Twice exclaims clapping Shigaraki on the back, before muttering the last part. 

Shigaraki just looks to the side a grimace on his face. Nobody notices the look of promised death nor the dark aura coming from Dabi and Aizawa.

Katsuki looks at Shigaraki with a playful smirk before raising an eyebrow "I love to drink alone" after finishing her line she takes a sip from her glass before grimacing and putting it down, she turns her body to face Shigaraki and rests her elbow on the counter as she raises her eyebrow again. 

Monoma turns in his seat a wide smirk on his face as he opens his mouth to say something he's cut off, "Don't. Even. Think. About. It" Kendou grounds out as she raises her enlarged hand, Monoma flinches back subtly, only Aizawa seems to notice though. 

Shigaraki keeps his body facing the bar, he looks down into his glass as his thoughts echo from the screen 'I hate this empty place' the camera pans out to show that the bar is still as empty as it had been before. 

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