La Seine

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A/N: I have decided to go with DabiBaku. Todo and Deku are like siblings to Katsuki and that is why they behave the way they do. Dabi and Katsuki are already dating but in secret (although Todo and Deku know), since if this got out bye bye hero career and all that, yada yada. Also I don't normally write sappy shit, so this is new but i'll see how well this goes. On with the show. 

Katherine stands up "alright, i've got the next multiverse"

"But you didn't leave the room? How'd you get it?" Deku questions.

Katherine looks at him with a questioning look before her face lights up "Oh! Yeah, I don't actually need to leave the room to get the multiverses, it's just so that you guys can talk amoungst yourselves about what you've seen. The next multiverse is going to be happy"




Multiverse Found...

La Seine

Pairing/s: DabiBaku

The scene opens to Katsuki standing in her living room in a white dress that reaches her ankles. She moves over to the couch and tries pushing it, grunting in effort but barely moving it. Dabi, sitting on the other couch in the room, opposite to her with a guitar in his lap. He strums it mindlessly as he watches Katsuki struggle. Dabi is seen wearing a white button down shirt with a black vest over the top and a pair of tight black jeans. "Y'know, you could actually get off your lazy ass and help" Katsuki says as she straightens up, panting. Dabi puts the guitar next to him, resting against the couch before sitting up "True, but then where's the fun in that?" Katsuki reached under the couch and pulled out the sock she left there last week. It flys across the room smacking  his face, he pulls it off his face laughing, Katsuki laughs too. 

"Wait, why are these two together? He's a villain, she's a hero, right?" Kaminari asks.

Katherine speaks up before anyone else can, "Yes, but she loves him and he loves her, true they are on opposite sides but they admire eachother, there's nothing you can do about it."

Dabi stands up walking over to Katsuki, he grabs her by her waist and pulls her to his chest, he looks into her eyes and presses a soft kiss to her lips, he pulls away and rests his forehead on hers "You look gorgeous tonight love" Katsuki giggles a light blush spreads across her cheeks "Thank you. You look absolutely stunning tonight" Dabi grins muttering out a thank you as they lean towards each other and kiss again "Let's get those couches and coffee table out of the way now, yeah?" Katsuki nods, once the couches and coffee table are moved away Katsuki stays standing while Dabi goes back to his original seat and pulls the guitar back onto his lap. He looks back up at Katsuki smiling before he begins strumming a fast and up beat tune. Katsuki smiles at hearing the tune and starts nodding her head along to the tune. 

"OMG Ship!!" Mina squeals, jumping up from her seat. 

"I have to agree, they are cute together" Jiro voiced.

"She's resplendent, so confident. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. I realize, I'm hypnotized. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine" Katsuki sings as she moves her arms around smiling widely. Dabi joins in softly singing at La Seine.  

"Their voices are so soft." Mic comments. Mummers of agreement ripple througout the audience. 

"I hear the moon singing a tune. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. Is she divine, Is it the wine. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine" Katsuki slides side to side on the carpet, moving her arms elegantly around, before she does a spin. Dabi joins in singing again at La Seine. 

"You can dance Bakubabe?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Mina hollered, standing up in order to look at katsuki, who just smiled awkwardly while she scratched the back of her head.

"I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why. That's how we are, La Seine and I. I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why. That's how we are, La Seine and I" Katsuki puts her hands on her hips as she moves backwards, swaying her hips as she goes. At the second line she moves her arms freely but elegantly. Dabi stands up, guitar still in hand as he makes his way over to Katsuki standing in front of her he gives he a bow. 

"Ok, but can we admire how cute they are together!" Hagakure exclaims waving her arms around. 

"I feel alive when I'm beside. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. From this angle like an angel. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine" Dabi begins singing on his own as they spin and twirl around each other, wide smiles on their faces as they dance without a care in the world. 

"OMG his voice is amazing!!" Jiro yelled throwing her arms in the air and bouncing in her seat. 

"I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why. That's how we are, La Seine and I. I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why. That's how we are, La Seine and I" They continue dancing around each other and singing in sinc, enjoying themselves.

"Ok, I know i've already said this but can we admire how cute they are together!" Hagakure exclaims waving her arms around again. 

"Upon the bridge. My heart does beat. Between the waves. We will be saved. The air we breathe. Can you believe? Learn to forgive upon the bridge" They alternate between singing each line as Katsuki swings her hips. Both her and Dabi sharing matching smiles. 

"They look like they don't have a care in the world." Kendo whispers. 

"That's how we are, La Seine and I." Singing is heard in the backround as Dabi discards his guitar on the couch as he walks over to Katsuki. 

"What's he gonna do?" Uraraka asks bouncing on her seat.

"That's how we are, La Seine and I." He takes her hands in his and spins her around, while she laughs quietly, her shoulders shaking.

"Bakubabe you are so adorable!" Mina exclaims. Katsuki just sinks in her seat avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room. There are some chuckles that echo throughout the room. 

"That's how we are, La Seine and I." Dabi pulls her closer as he rests one hand on her hip and holds her other. Katsuki holds his hand while her other goes to rest on his shoulder. They begin swaying side to side at a subdued pace.

Aizawa shifts in his seat uncomfortably at watching something so intimate.

"That's how we are, La Seine and I" Dabi moves to rest his head on Katsuki's as both his hands move to rest on her waist. Katsuki moves her hands so that they rest around his neck while her head rests his chest as well. 

"They look so peaceful together" Aizawa mutters watching the couple continue hugging each other.

"Okay people! Onto the next multiverse!" Katherine yells from where she is sitting.

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