The Psychology of Bakugo!

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Previously on Into the Bakuverse:

"Thank you. Now as I was saying, we are watching a multiverse about our resident King Explodo, Katsuki Bakugo." She stated loud and firmly.

...... Silence enveloped the theatre.


Bold = Multiverse

Bold Underlined and italicized = singing

bold and underlined = searching multiverse.


 "Shut up, you heard me!" Katherine yelled 

Silence followed her outburst in fear of making her more pissed. "Now that, that is done, let me see what our first multiverse is going to be!" Katerine huffs. 




Multiverse Found...

The Psychology of Bakugo! By Ra NerdsWorth.

"oh no" Katherine mutters under her breath while looking up at the screen with a sorrowful look. The audience start whispering wondering what could be wrong with this universe. 

"What's wrong  Katherine?" Aizawa asks , everyone quiets down waiting for an answer. Aizawa turned his head towards where the Bakugo's were and noticed that Katsuki had straighten and became stiff. 

"Katsuki" Katherine calls his name barely above a whisper, though in the silenced theatre it carried it gained his attention, a silent question on her face asking if he is alright with this being shown. Katsuki responds with a slight nod of his head, giving her silent permission, Katherine nods in return.

"OK" Katherine gains the audiences attention again, "This universe is going to bring up some of the past, your also an anime in this world but that doesn't mean the pasts don't line up. This universe is not for Eri or Kota and might bring up bad memories for the Todoroki's so if Eri and Kota can go to the panic room that'll be great, if the Todoroki's want to go to the panic room, I understand".  Turning to the Todoroki's for a reply all she recieves head shakes. (The kids already left). Everyone quietens down as the multiverse begins, waiting in anticipation as to what this is going to be about.

Multiverse Loading...

Multiverse Loaded...

(Im going to be skipping parts of the video, parts such as where he calls Mitsuki his waifu, im also skipping other parts in the video ... Skip to - 31 seconds)

The Multiverse begins with Bakugo lounging at his middle school desk his middle school uniform is rumpled. A voice cuts into the backgroud. 'We need to talk about Bakugo's mum' 

A chalkboard shows up behind Mitsuki Bakugo while she strikes a pose. On the chalkboard are three bullet points. Starting with emotionlly abusive, narcissitic tendency and potentially bi-polar. 'Shes also emotionally abusive, has narcissistic parental tendency and is the exact reason that bakugo is the endearing jerk that we all know and love, can be heard in the background as each point comes up. 

"Holy Shit" someone in the crowd mumbles, though it was heard by all since you could hear a pin drop at that point.

'And while that translates in the super powered fantasy realm, the reality ain't so pretty' the voice continues with the caption 'got problems' float over katsuki's head.

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