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138 reads!?! Are you people crazy why are you reading this sorry excuse of a book


Izuku's pov

I woke up to a sharp pain in my shoulder as something poked me.
"Kid, kid wake up!" I heard someone say. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in a dark alleyway that smelled quite funky i also saw a man with brown hair and black suit standing over me. " wh- who are you..?"I managed to stutter. The man replied with," that's not really important right now,what really matters is your health, are you ok kid?" I simply nodded even though I wasn't ok and he seemed to notice, but didn't say anything. "so what are you doing here all by yourself" I glanced up at him and for the first time since we started talking I looked into his eyes. they were hazel-ish color that could sooth anyone, anyone except me that is. Remembering the question he asked me i answered reluctantly, " I ran away..."

He raised and eyebrow and asked, "why is that" I cringed at the sudden question but answered, "my mother died and she was all I had left."
He gave me a sympathetic look and turned back to his seemingly calm demeanor. " could you tell me your name, I don't feel comfortable talking to a stranger" he stared at me for a second and then complied," my name is Haruku nakamura but you can call me Mr. Nakamura, whats your name- if you don't mind" "I'm Izuku Midoriya."

3rd person pov

Haruku nodded then spoke up," well Midoriya do you mind if I take you to a police station?" The greennette's eyes widened in surprise but he quickly answered, "no I don't mind...". Haruku smiled and gave midoriya his hand. Midoriya skeptically complied and used Nakamura's hand to get up only to fall once again. "Are you ok kid!?!" Nakamura asked concernedly (is that even a word 🤨) Midoriya grunted as he got and told Nakamura he was fine. Walking out of the dark alleyway into the street light Nakamura noticed all the bandages on the young boy and scars midoriya forgot to bandage. 'What happened to you kid'


Sorry this chapter was so short 😅. I don't have a good excuse but I just wanted to get a chapter out today

Word count: 395

There is no bravery without fear (discontinued)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ