Chapter 6

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Thoughts= 'hello'

-Nakamura's pov-

I knocked on Izuku's door and when no one answered I walked in to find that izuku had fallen asleep on the bed with his phone. I covered him with a blanket and quietly exited the room, closing the door behind.


~3rd person pov~

Birds chirp as the sun begins to rise and people wake in the Nakamura estate.
Here we see a certain greennette yawning and getting off of his bed.
'Morning already? I don't even remember going to sleep'
The broccoli jumps out of bed and puts on clothes from the closet, most likely placed there by a worker.

As Izuku was about to leave his room someone knocked on the door. He opened the door to see a petite, young looking woman standing outside his door. "Good morning sir, I am your personal assistant/servant Asuka kiyoko and I've come to inform you that breakfast is ready" The young lady said. Izuku thanked her for informing him and told Asuka she can just call him izuku.

-Izuku's Pov-

I followed Asuka downstairs to the dining room as I still did not know my way around this house. Upon seeing the scrumptious looking food placed on the dining table my mouth began to water, discovering my newfound hunger.

I told Father good morning and sat down at the seat across from him. We talked about random things and ate the meal which I learned was made by our cook, Hiromi. Then father asked me something which I had to ponder about a little before I could answer, he had asked me what I wanted to be in the future. After a bit of thinking I answered that I wanted to be a cop.

-Nakmura's (Izuku's dad) pov-

When Izuku said that he wanted to be a cop in the future I couldn't help but wonder why, of course it was a great career choice, I myself highly respected cops. "So, Izuku, if you don't mind me asking, why do you want to be a cop?" I asked. Izuku almost immediately answered,"well I can't be a hero But I still want to help people, being a cop is just one of the many ways to do so".
I had no idea why Izuku doesn't think he could be a hero and I intended to find out.


I've finally got off my lazy butt and Updated, Now that I'm on summer break I do plan to update more.
On another note, I did infact fall out of love with the Mha Fandom but I've realized there are actually people that enjoy this book so now that I am on break, once again, I will update more.

Word count: 420

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