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POV: Han Seojun 


Snow slowly fell from the dark Seoul sky, only touching the concrete for a moment before it became only a drop of water. A forgotten memory. 

I let out a long sigh. I could never look at snow the same way again, not after losing her for good.

Lim Jugyeong. The girl who I could never stop loving. The girl who I would never be able to forget, even after the snow melted and the seasons changed. It was always her. And only her.

"Han Seojun?"

My head jerked forward at the sound of a familiar voice.

"What's wrong with you? Hurry up and go inside." My small wisp of hope shattered. It was only my manager, Heegyeong.

These days I often caught myself mistaking her voice for her sister's. My longing to hear Jugyeong's voice had driven me to a point of insanity.

"Han Seojun." Heegyeong's voice rose. I was instantly reminded of the infinite times Jugyeong was irritated with me. She was so cute when she was annoyed.

A yank on my sleeve pulled me out of my perfect daydream.

"Han Seojun. What the hell is wrong with you these days."

"Sorry, I was just mesmerized by the snow." She shook her head and let her face hit her palm, clearly frustrated by my dazed state.

"Stop standing there like an idiot. You're going to catch a cold and your voice will be ruined. Now get in the car." Before I could even respond, she began pushing me towards her van.

I leaned back into the comfort of the heated leather seats and rested my head on the icy cold window. I tried to focus on perfecting some of the songs I was working on, but my mind kept drifting to Jugeyeong who was definitely with Lee Suho. After my debut they had become inseparable, and it was impossible to catch a moment alone with her. Normally I was busy enough to just ignore it, but the snow always reminded me of my last perfect moment with her.

"The first one to skate to that pillar wins." Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Han Seojun. This is so typical of you. UGH."

I couldn't help but smile.

"Hey, Seojun. What are you smiling about?"

"Nothing." Heegyeong shook her head, clearly annoyed with me again.

"Han Seojun. You have everything you could ever want. Your debut was successful and you're becoming one of Korea's most popular idols. What else could you even need?"

I sighed. The Lim sisters could be so clueless sometimes.

I let my head fall back onto the window, as I watched the snow droplets race and cars speed by.

What even was the point of fame if I couldn't share it with her? 

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