『 6 』

293 13 4

POV: Suho Lee




I immediately sprinted towards Seojun's bedroom.

"Are you alright?" I stopped in my tracks. Jugyeong was only wearing a bathrobe and Seojun had his eyes clenched shut. 

"SORRY. SORRY." Seojun hurriedly placed the tray on the floor and he sprinted to the bathroom. 

"Are you alright?" I knew Jugyeong would worry about this incident for days. She nodded, but her cheeks were still flushed.

"I'm ok... let me just get dressed and then I'll eat some noodles."

"Do you need a fresh change of clothes?" I eyed the pile of clothes she had worn the night before in the corner of the room and I could tell they still stunk of alcohol. 

"I'm okay." She clearly didn't want to rewear her "going out" clothes. Her hangover was probably killing her too.

"I'll ask Seojun for some sweats for you." Her eyes widened with surprise and I too was stunned by my words.  Maybe I had matured over night? 

No. Not really. I was still deeply upset that Jugyeong was wearing Seojun's bathrobe and that Seojun had walked in on her wearing it. However, I didn't feel like arguing for some reason. 

I knocked on the bathroom door. 

"Knock knock."

"This is how you properly enter a room." I could hear Seojun let out an angry puff of air through the door. 

"I did knock but the door was unlocked."

"Sure you did. Anyways can you get Jugyeong some sweats?" No response. I could picture the surprised look on Seojun's face.

He opened the door. "You're not worried I'm going to steal your girl?" 

Of course I was worried, but I wasn't about to let him know that.

"No, not really. We're very happy and all I want is for my girlfriend to feel comfortable." The smirk on his face shifted into an annoyed grimace.

"Okay, okay fine." He walked into the laundry room and handed me his hamper. 

"You don't fold your laundry?" 

Seojun chuckled. "Of course not." 

I shook my head. What a man child. 

I pulled out a pair of grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt. I chose the plainest ensemble possible so I wouldn't have to think about the fact that my girlfriend was wearing another man's clothes. 

"I'm leaving this at your door, okay?"

"Okay! Thanks honey!" My heart skipped a beat. Every time I was reminded she was mine I fell more and more in love with her. 

After 5 minutes, Jugyeong walked out of Seojun's bedroom.

"Wooooh what a hangover I have." Jugyeong suddenly stopped in her tracks.

"Where's my makeup?" 

"It's okay. You don't need to worry. No one will see you here." Still, a panicked expression remained on her face. 

"Jugyeong?" Why was she suddenly worried about her bare face.

"Oh just- I just don't want to be seen like this haha." Was she worried about what Seojun thought? 

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