『 7 』

409 17 12

POV: Seojun


Ugh why were these two so messy.

After Jugyeong and Suho left, I had spent almost a full hour cleaning. I was so side tracked that I was almost late for practice.

By the time I got ready to leave, my driver was already impatiently parked outside. When I entered the car he gave me a strange look I had never seen before. It was probably because I was so late.

Whatever Seojun. Get in the zone.

Normally I would spend car rides clearing my head so I could give my best performance when I got to the studio. However, I had a lot of trouble clearing my head today.

Jugyeong and Suho. 

For some reason, my interaction with Jugyeong didn't make my heart flutter as much as it normally would have. Was I finally getting over her for good?

But why were this morning and last night's events still replaying in my head? 

Frustrated, I leaned my head back against the window. I reached for my phone to play some music but it was missing.

Shoot. I must have left it at home. I'm already late though. Whatever, it's no big deal.

When I arrived at MoVe Entertainment I was surprised to see how busy it was. It hadn't been so hectic here since Suho's father's retirement announcement.

Hopefully nothing too bad happened. 

I walked into the warm up room and began to sing a few basic scales. 

"You're off Seojun. Sing it again."

"Be quiet Suho."

"Guys stop fighting! Suho's right though, you're flat." 


I clenched my fist. I needed to sing well for Suho and Seyeon. I repeated my scales over and over again and tried singing a few basic songs, but my tone was still off.

What was going on with me today?

After a while of trying to practice with little success, I headed outside to get a drink of water.

"SEOJUN." Heegyeong ran over to me, her face mixed with both confusion and anger.

"Where have you been? I've been calling you all day." 

"I left my phone at my apartment. What happened?" Heegyeong smacked my arm. I was startled by how much it actually hurt. 

"Do you not read the news? What's wrong with you?" I could tell she was desperately trying to restrain herself from grabbing my ear and dragging me outside. 

"I still don't know what's going on." Heegyeong aggressively ran her fingers through her hair and handed me her tablet.

My face fell. 

"I - It's not what it looks like." Heegyeong shot me a death stare.


"I'm going to walk away before I seriously injure you Han Seojun." Her words barely had any impact on me as I stared at the images of me carrying Jugyeong into my home last night. 

It did look terrible. She was laughing and resting in my arms bridal style. We were both smiling and making impeccable eye contact. There was no way we didn't look in love. 

Shit. Suho. 

I couldn't even begin to imagine his reaction. We had finally got to an okay place and now I was sparking dating rumors with his girlfriend.

After facing so much pain and sensitivity to abandonment, this was the last thing he needed. 

I raced down the hallway after Heegyeong.

"How do we fix this?"

She sighed. 

"We're already working on a statement but there's no way of knowing how the public will respond."

"What if Suho clarifies he was there and that he's the one dating Jugyeong?" Heegyeong looked carefully at the sheet of paper in her hands and scribbled a few notes. 

"Hmm if you could actually get him to do that, maybe it'd lessen the damage."

"... but I bet he's even more angry with you than I am right now, and you know how private he is." I sighed. She was right of course.

Suho, you stubborn bastard. 

Suddenly Heegyeong's phone rang. 

"Lim Jugyeong I've been calling all day-" She looked startled by whatever Jugyeong was saying. 

What happened? Were they okay? 

My heart sank. What if trolls found them already? What if they were seriously injured? 

And it would be all my fault for not thinking. 

I always forgot I was an idol now too. I was still running around like a highschooler.

In the midst of the chaos I forgot about my fans too. They must be so upset. 

Sometimes, I wish I could have more freedom, but being an idol was what I truly loved doing... but not at the expense of the people I cared about most. 

"Seojun let's go." Heegyeong seemed even more angry than before.

"Going where?" 

Heegyeong let out a sigh of frustration.

"Honestly, there's something SERIOUSLY wrong with you and Suho. Do you guys just not have brains?"

Suho? What happened? Was he okay? Was it another car accident?

A million questions flooded my mind but I couldn't bring myself to ask. 

"Suho landed himself in prison and we have to go bail him out so he'll help us calm the situation down."

I stopped in my tracks. 

"Suho is where now?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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