『 5 』

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POV: Seojun Han


 "Seojun. I don't love Suho anymore." Jugyeong smiled and reached her arm out towards me. 

"Wait for me." I tried to stick my arm out towards her but I was stuck. I strained my muscles but all I felt was pain restricting my arms. 

I woke up in a cold sweat, but the pain in my arm did not go away. To my horror I saw Suho lying on top of my left arm, our legs intertwined. My heart skipped a beat. In a flurried panic I pushed him off of me and ran into the kitchen.

What the hell happened last night.

"MMmmm. SHOTS!!!!" Jugyeong screamed at the top of her lungs. 

"Suho make her stop." 

"Hddejrk." Of course this fool was half asleep. Why invite me to drink when neither of them can handle more than two shots. 

"Hey! We have a famous idol right here!!! Who wants to heearr a sOOOnng." Jugyeong suddenly fell off of the bar stool and hit the floor with a loud thud.

"OWWW." Panic flooded through my veins and I rushed to her side. 

"Where does it hurt? What's wrong?" Jugyeong stared at me for a second and then burst into giggles. 

"I got you Seojuuunnnn. Just because you're a BIggggG stAr now doesn't mean I can't prankkk youuu. Call securityyy on meeee hehehe."

 I rolled my eyes, but all I wanted was to hold her and laugh with her on the ground of the bar. Instead, I looked over at Suho who was still asleep. How could I still have these thoughts? Suho was my best friend and I owed him everything. 

Pushing my thoughts aside, I had to figure out how to get these two home. I flung Jugyeong's arm over my shoulder and let Suho lean on my other side. Slowly, I dragged them towards Suho's car and pushed them inside. 

"Suho where are your keys?" All he did was innocently smile at me. His dopey, dazed expression annoyed the hell out of me. 

"Come and get it." Suho childishly smirked at me. 

"Just give it-" Suddenly, I realized our hands and eyes were interlocked. I quickly pushed him away and grabbed the keys from his pocket. 

"Mmm Suho my handsome boyfriend." Through my front mirror I watched the two of them sloppily kiss and disgust radiated through my body. I impulsively stopped the car and the two of them jolted apart. 

"HEY, watch it Seojun."

"What are you going to do about it?" For a moment it felt like old times, joking around with Jugyeong: before Suho came back to Korea. 

"Shhhh don't flirt with him honey, he'll get the wrong idea," I sighed. Of course, nothing was the same anymore, now that he was back. 

We were too far from Suho's apartment to take them there and I didn't want Jugyeong's parents to see her like this so I had no choice but to take them to my place. 

"Okay, Jugyeong you first. Can you walk?" Jugyeong smiled. 

"Of courseee." She threw her arms around my neck and my heart stopped again. I pushed her off. 

"What do you think you're doing?" 

"Seojuunahhh I'm tireddd, can you carry me?" 

"I don't think Suho would like that very much."

"Mmmm it'll be our secret." She pulled her right arm around my neck once again and pushed her left finger to my lips. I looked inside the car and saw Suho asleep again. Hesitantly, I picked her up and began walking towards my building. 

It was a safe and familiar feeling that I hadn't realized I missed so much. Finally inside my apartment, I gently set her on my bed and tucked her in. 

For a moment, I sat beside her and watched her peacefully smiling, half asleep. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and stroked the side of her face.

What the hell is wrong with you, get a grip?  I quickly left to get Suho, a cloud of guilt trailing behind me. 

"Let's go." I shook him awake but he remained unresponsive. I continued to shake him, but this fool refused to budge. 

"Haha. I'm a good actor right? Maybe I can be famous too." I rolled my eyes.

"Sure Suho." I dragged him out of the car and pulled him into my apartment. 

"Okay, you two can share my bed and I'll take the couch, but you better not do anything funny." 

"Mmm, good night Seojun." Suho called as I walked out. I couldn't help but smile. He was just like a little kid. 

I was almost asleep when I felt something next to me on the couch.

"Seojun?" I jumped up.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Mmmm. Jugyeong was kicking me. I couldn't sleep." 

"Sleep on the floor." I was too tired to put up with him. 

So I guess that's what happened last night. Suho must've climbed back onto the couch after I fell asleep. Suho and Jugyeong must  have terrible hangovers. I should probably make something to eat. 

I began cooking two packets of instant ramen, but I was distracted by the memories of last night. I hoped Jugyeong wouldn't remember anything because complicating our relationship was the last thing that the three of us needed. 

I brought the bowls of ramen out to the living room where I saw Suho sitting on the couch, looking around with confusion. 

"Seojun? Where am I? Where's Jugyeong?" I frowned. 

"You really don't remember?" I sighed a breath of relief. 

"Just eat." Suho reluctantly began eating his ramen, but he looked deep in thought. 

I wanted to bring Jugyeong her meal before she awoke so I could potentially avoid an awkward conversation if she remembered everything clearly from last night. 



Sorry I haven't updated !!! School is finally out so maybe I'll acc write? 

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