『 4 』

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POV: Suho Lee


"Seojun let's go." Before I could stop myself, my arm was resting on his shoulder. I felt his back instantly tense up, but I couldn't let go.

Being with the two of them has been unbearably awkward and uncomfortable since I got back together with Jugyeong. I was determined to make things right between us again, but my jealousy always got in the way of things. 

The walk to my car was silent. Jugyeong walked in front and Seojun and I trailed behind. Seojun's eyes darted around, careful to avoid both my intimidating gaze and Jugyeong's mesmerizing face. 

After we finally reached my car, the three of us stared at each other in silence. 

"I can sit in the back." Seojun began to pull the back door but of course Jugyeong stopped him.

"No, no you two can chat in the back. I'll sit here. I want to lie down too." My eyes widened.

"Why do you need to lie down? Are you not feeling well? Let's reschedule-" Seojun rolled his eyes but I could tell he was concerned as well. 

"Come on Suho, I'm perfectly fine. I just ate too much." Jugyeong stared me down. I sighed remembering the argument we had the other night. 

"Why do you always have to be so jealous? You know I only love you." Jugyeong grabbed my arm tightly. I tried to shake her hand off but she persisted.

"It's just a family dinner, and Seojun is like family." I could feel my blood boil. Only Seojun could anger me like this. He was my best friend, but I always felt he could steal Jugyeong from me if he wanted to. 

"Fine. Don't worry. I'll try and be less jealous." I mustered as fake a smile I could, but her brows still furrowed, clearly not buying my act.

"How about the three of us hangout after dinner?" Finally she was satisfied. 

"That's a great idea Suho!" She gave me that irresistible smile that I was almost addicting to look at.

The whole night during dinner, I had tried to make it clear that Jugyeong was mine. 

"Jugyeong, put on the earrings before you go in. I want to see how they look."   

"Hold my hand , I feel cold."

"Suho, did you get my daughter those earrings?" Mrs. Lim asked when Jugyeong walked out of earshot. 

"Yes Mrs. Lim... and I might be buying a ring soon... who knows"  Mrs. Lim shrieked with excitement. 

I sighed. I needed to stop. Seojun was my best friend and Jugyeong was my girlfriend. It's been almost a year since Seojun promised to move on, but why did I still feel a strong urge to compete with him?

"Seojun how about you sit in the back with Jugyeong to keep her company?" My stomach squirmed. Why did I say that. 

Suho. Be the bigger person.

Jugyeong stared at me, clearly shocked, but happy nonetheless.

"No I can sit in the front." I grabbed Seojun's hand. 

"Keep her company in the back, I get easily distracted." His eyes burned into my skull as if to say:

You never get distracted when you're driving, what are you doing. 

Seojun rolled his eyes while continuing to suspiciously eye me. 

"It's fine as long as you're fine with it Jugyeong." She smiled so widely that even her back molars were exposed. 

She was so happy, but my insides were churning with anxiety and fear. There was no way he could make a move on her in front of me right? 

The car ride was long and silent. Seojun sat with his head pressed against the window as per usual and Jugyeong quietly eyed him from the corner of her eye. She was clearly missing her best friend.

"Seojun, why don't you sing a little bit for us." I tried to seem as friendly as humanly possible. 

"Not now," Seojun mumbled, shoving his fists in his pants pockets. 

"Please Seojun! I haven't heard you sing in ages," Jugyeong locked eyes with him, giving Seojun her signature, innocent, smile. 

"Uh. Next time." I narrowed my eyes. He was clearly stunned and still fighting the urge to act on his feelings for her, but I hoped Jugyeong was still naive enough not to notice. 

"Okay fine, but don't forget," Jugyeong looked straight ahead, trying to hide any hint of disappointment she could have accidentally let slip, but I knew both me and Seojun could still tell. 

My hands were so tightly gripping the wheel that my palms were bright red. 

A few minutes later, we arrived at the bar. I had purposely chosen a small and unpopular one to prevent Seojun from being spotted by the paparazzi or aggressive fangirls. 

"Three beers please."

"Shall we get wings too?" Jugyeong excitedly flipped through the menu, carefully analyzing each option. Seojun scoffed.

"Didn't you just eat a five course dinner?" Jugyeong rolled her eyes.

"Let her eat what she wants. If she's still hungry let her eat." I squeezed Jugyeong's hand under the table protectively. 

"I wasn't judging. It was just a joke. Sheesh Suho, lighten up." 

"I didn't think it was very funny."

"Suho calm down, it was just a joke!" Jugyeong kicked my foot and looked at me pleadingly. I sighed. Being friends with Seojun was much harder than I expected.

After a short while I realized my head was on the table.  

"Aish, their tolerance is so low. What am I supposed to do with them?" Seojun muttered, but his voice slowly faded before I could respond. 

Suddenly, I jolted awake to find myself curled up in a strange place. The natural light instantly gave me a severe headache and I let my head flop back onto the strangely soft pillow. 

Where the hell am I? What happened last night?

After dozing off for a bit more, I smelled a familiar and comforting scent. 

Instant ramen. 

To my shock, Seojun walked into the room with two bowls of piping hot instant ramen on a dinner tray. Suddenly, I came to my senses.

"Seojun? Where am I? Where's Jugyeong?" Seojun frowned.

"You really don't remember?" 

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