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POV: Han Seojun 


"Han Seojun! Oh my god!" I instantly froze. It was her. 

She raced across the parking lot towards me but stopped in her tracks, hesitantly looking back at Suho. He solemnly nodded at her, signifying it was fine for her to greet me, but I could tell by the anguished expression on his face that he was not happy to see me here.

"Lim Jugyeong." I can't help but smile as she excitedly beamed at me. Her smile could always brighten my mood.

"Oh my god. Seojun. It's been too long I-" I looked down and saw her hand on my arm. I instantly pulled away.

Get it together Seojun, she has a boyfriend. 

Jugyeong's eyes widened and she instantly glanced over at Suho, but his piercing eyes were fixated on my arm. Jugyeong's pained, awkward laugh echoed throughout the empty parking lot. 

"What are you guys doing? It's so cold out." I sighed a breath of relief. Thank god Heegyeong was here to rescue me. 

Get it together Seojun, she has a boyfriend. All you have to do is avoid being alone with her. It's just a stupid dinner. 

Things between me and Suho were fine when we were alone. We collaborated on so many tracks together without any issues, but everytime Jugyeong was with us the dynamic was so different. 

As we walked towards Heegyeong's house, I could see Suho holding tightly onto Jugyeong's arm, as if I could steal her away at any second. He was so clueless. She would always choose him over me. 

After what felt like hours of awkward silence, I was met with the warmth and frenzy of the Lim family.

"SEOJUN!" Mrs. Lim threw her arms around me and patted my head as if I was still a little boy. Before I could even greet her, she ushered me inside and grabbed my coat.

"Seojun, I barely see you these days but I play your music in my shop everyday. All the customers love it and I'm so proud to tell them that you're friends with my daughter!" I smiled but my heart sank. 

I missed the days where I could hangout with Jugyeong without worrying about Suho. I often thought about the countless nights I spent making dumplings with the Lim family while Suho was in America. 

"OH SUHO!" Mrs. Lim rushed over to him and her daughter. My eyes narrowed.

Did she like him better than me now? Ugh. Snap out of it. Of course she likes him; that's her daughter's boyfriend. I need to get out of here.

I quickly made my way to the kitchen to talk with Mr. Han. We weren't close, but it was better than watching the Lim family fawn over Suho like they once did with me. 

"Aren't they perfect together?" He nodded over to where Suho and Jugyeong were standing, hands intertwined, looking at each other as if they were the only people in the room. 

The way I still look at her.

I scoffed. "Yeah... couple goals." Watching them together filled me with bottomless heartbreak and pain. 

I reluctantly looked over at them again. I had never seen her happier. Over the years I had watched her suffer through so much pain and misery, but her face glowed now. I smiled again. 

Damnit Seojun, get it together. 

Finally it was time for dinner. I quickly made me way towards the left end of the table next to Heegyoung and Mr. Han. Thankfully, Suho and Jugyeong headed towards the right side. 

Suho carefully pulled out Jugyeong's chair for her and smiled, so much so that I could see his pearly white teeth. It was so odd seeing this side of Suho.

I was silent at dinner, not like anyone noticed over the constant laughing, chatting and excitement that engulfed the room. 

I glanced over at Jugyeong and saw Suho putting more kimchi on her plate. 

"Suho, you need to eat some too." 

"Not until you're done eating." Jugyeong's smile formed into a mischievous smirk. She quickly shoved some of the food into Suho's mouth and they instantly started laughing again. I looked around, and the rest of the Lim family was unbothered. 

God, how are they not all puking right now. 

"SO, SUHO. When are you planning to propose." I immediately choked on my food and my eyes shot open.

"Seojun are you okay?" Jugyeong looked at me with deep concern as I began to cough uncontrollably. 

"Yeah *cough* I'm - I'm okay." I quickly downed a glass of water and felt my face flush with embarrassment.

"Well it's only been two months, but I'm already so excited for our future." Suho stared me down dead in the eye, as if to say "haha, I win." 

"Oh my goodness!! This is so exciting, isn't it" Mrs. Lim gushed. Mr. Lim smiled.

"I can't wait until I have Suho as my son in law." Mr. Lim and Suho shared a knowing look and laughed.

Since when did those two get so close...

Jugyeong looked down bashfully. 

Could this fools not see they were making her feel uncomfortable?

Heegyeong elbowed me. "Seojun has some news too." I looked at her with confusion.

She shook her head at me disappointedly. 

"Your tour?" I was so occupied with Jugyeong and Suho that I forgot what Heegyeong had been working on for months. Jugyeong's eyes widened.

"Wow, Seojun. That's amazing!" 

Ugh, how do I change the subject. What's something I can talk about that's not related to me or Suho.

Suddenly, I spotted something sparkly in Jugyeong's earlobes. She definitely didn't have these earrings before. 

"Wow, Jugyeong did you get new earrings? They're nice." Jugyeong instantly smiled.

"Are they nice? I bought them for her." My face fell. Of course Suho bought them for her. 

The rest of the night was the same. Suho and Jugyeong were the main characters, and I sulked in the background.

After it was finally time to go, I felt someone tap my shoulder. 

"Seoju-" I whipped my head around and winced.

"Don't go around scaring people like that." I responded, trying to appear as calm as possible, but all I wanted to do is hold her. She laughed again, clearly unaware I still wasn't over her. 

"Do you want to grab a drink with me and Suho?" I froze.

"I'm kind of tired today-"

"Seojun, let's go." Suho placed his arm around me and pushed me out the door. 

Great. The universe really hates me. 


LOL my bad for not updating.. didn't think ppl would acc read :O

Anyways since some ppl are acc reading, Ill update once a day probably?????

And dw the story will speed up soon hehehe

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