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Here's part one! Expect a part two :p

She was alone.


A sandy beach was where Sophie stood. Waves lapped at the edge of the shore, and the sound of the sea was soothing in her ears.

But they say the eye of a hurricane is silent.

For all she could see, the beach stretched on for miles- there were caves, slopes, boulders and little signs of life everywhere. But something was terribly wrong.

It was as if something was jabbing a knife into a glass dome that was her world. Cracks appeared in the sky and in the teal waves. Sophie found out she could repair these. But with every chip she mended, every shard she picked up, the strain grew larger.

The thin cracks appeared quicker than she could heal. With every stab, every puncture, it was as if something was choking her, stealing breath by breath.

So Sophie screamed. For someone to help, to come save her.

And no one heard her but the echoes of her own pleas.


Biana knocked on the door to Fitz's room.

"Go away, mom." She heard his voice, bitter and cracked.

"It's me," She called softly.

A slight pause.

"Go away," Fitz repeated.

"Would Sophie want this?" Biana asked quietly.

Another pause, this time longer.

"The door's unlocked." came his voice.

Biana pushed the door open and stepped in.

Fitz's room was a mess. Papers strewn across the floor, along with various other items. Bed covers rumpled, books askew. The only thing truly unharmed was Mr. Snuggles, which was lying sideways on his bed, and a small albertosaurus clutched in Fitz's hands. Fitz was a wreck. His eyes were puffy with sleep deprivation and unshed tears, face sunken and tear-streaked, hair a mess, knuckles bleeding and bruised.

Biana perched on his bed.

"You've been in your room for days." She stated.

Fitz seemed to tremble with emotion. "How- how can I just act normal and pretend everything's fine when it's not?" He asked rhetorically. "When Sophie- she-"

"She wouldn't want this." Biana told him as Fitz dug his nails into his palms.

"But she's not here." Fitz choked out bitterly. "We can't fix this."

Biana was silent for a moment.

"Maybe we can." She said.

"She's the strongest Telepath in the Lost Cities." Fitz looked at her with his bloodshot eyes. "Her mind is nearly impenetrable. Mr. Forkle failed to fix it. What makes you think we can?"

"Fitz, you're her cognate." Biana reminded him.

"What good is being cognates if I wasn't able to prevent it?" Fitz exploded. "If I had realized she was that far in- I should've- now, now she's-"

Tears ran down his face, and he turned away from Biana.

"You're not compatible as cognates with her for nothing." Biana pressed, even as she knelt next to her brother. "You understand her better than anyone else could- you've relived her exact memories, been with her through everything, and well, I'm pretty sure she likes you back."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2021 ⏰

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