14 Day Challenge: Website Wonder: Day 8

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Are you ready to be a website wonder? Do you want to create a website and/or take your website to the next level? Whether you are an entrepreneur, wellness coach, and/or course creator, website wonder will help you with tips, tools, and technology.

No matter whether you work for a business, building your side hustle, or ready to pursue your passion and purpose full-time, website wonder will help you understand basics in marketing and presentation, publication, and promotion for a website.

Marketing is a conversation where you invite people to trust you and your business. It is important in any relationship to create and build trust. In digital marketing today, a website presence is more important than ever. It isn't enough to have a website. You want to create an experience for people visiting inviting them to stay longer and explore your home page, freebies and evergreen content.

In serving in >7 industries, and creating and/or reviewing websites for over 20 years, I have found visuals, layouts, consistent updates, and backlinks to other sites are essential to increase people visiting, conversions and sales. Some people and businesses choose to operate only via social media and/or not to develop their website.

Keep in mind, you don't own or fully control your social media platforms. By remaining solely on social media, you may lose contact information. When you choose to not add content to your website regularly, you lose the ability to increase your rankings on Google, as well as missing out on ways to increase trust with others.

Since 2000, I have created websites and taught others via Flash, HTML, as well as sites like Wix and Kajabi. I have learned essential information to include, automation to integrate, and ways to increase your online presence and traffic exponentially. If I am creating it, so can you.

Being a website wonder with an all in one lifestyle brand led me to learn many new skills and tools with websites. When you decide it is time to be a website wonder, everything changes. In the 14 Day Challenge, I shared how transformation is required to create a life and business you love. In the 14 Day Challenge, you will experience 12 themes to create a life and business you love from faith to wellness to money and travel.

Whether you create with our community on the blog, podcast, and/or in the  14 Day Challenge sneak peek to our monthly mastermind, Creation Club, you will experience a transformation like never before. On Day 8 of the 14 Day Challenge, it's time to take on being a website wonder.

 On Day 8 of the 14 Day Challenge, it's time to take on being a website wonder

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Photos by Brock Atlanta

Website Intro

Website Wonder starts with tips, tools and technology. It is determining where you are now, and starting and reviewing your website. I have found WIX is an incredible tool to easily create a website with one of their templates. In the beginning, it is essential to keep setting up your website simple.

When I started creating FIT Life Creation website v 1.0, I created our site solely via WIX. I used a basic template with pages for home, events, about, and contact. With time, the website grew into v 5.0 with a blog and freebies.

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