Healthy Like a Boss Intro

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Instability impacts many of us. Whether in health, passion, purpose. or potential, our runaway beliefs, and actions create chaos in our lives.

You will find in my own story, I refuse to allow fear, instability, and self-sabotage to rule my world. I will relentlessly fight for my freedom.

My transformation in every area of life of fear to faith, self hate to love, devaluing to purity, corporate to calling and bondage to freedom started with my health.

Where have you put garbage in your body?

Why have you accepted your habits as permanent?

Who sold you all those lies?

In my own walk with transformation and health, for years I yo-yoed with my health. At the same time, I refused to quit. I kept getting back up.

I completed along the way in triathlons, and century rides with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and their fundraising arm, Team in Training despite being over 50 lbs heavier than I am now.

At the beginning of 2013 something massively changed inside of me. I began to shift my health habits step by step seriously. I changed and replaced 1–2 habits each month. I started using Herbalife Global Nutrition and lost 15 lbs in the first month. I decided to train for my first Olympic Distance Triathlon that year. I lost over 55 lbs in a year and a half from 2013–2014.

I would never imagine my health, spirit, and mind as it is now. If I may transform my health, so can you.

At some point, you will be faced with taking your health seriously. I am amazed at my energy now. I stopped drinking alcohol over 5 years ago now.

I decided I wanted to make aligned choices to pursue passion, purpose, and potential. If I did it, so can you.

Here are 3 ways of transforming my health transformed every area of life.

3 Ways to Transform Any Area of Life

Get real with yourself. Evaluate your mindset, health, wealth and business. Start changing and replacing your habits now. Currently, more than ever we have more time on our hands by ourselves and at home. Make it a time you will thank yourself for.

1 Everything Starts with Awareness

What is the area of life causing you the most pain? Some of you may have your health where you want it. Ask yourself — is it really the best it can be?

If you may answer that a resounding yes, look at another area of life. Likely, if you are like I was for years, you are struggling in your physical and mental health.

By transforming my health, I became much more aware of every area of life. Most importantly, I became aware of the alignment.

Practical applications

Change and replace 1–2 habits

Practice what I call a 3 X 7 approach

3 actions daily in your spiritual, mental, relational, emotional, playful, physical, and financial areas of life.

2 Identifying Where Self-Sabotage Impacts You

Just like health, I became aware of how I misaligned beliefs and behaviors with what I wanted in wealth, business and community. Our abilities to overcomplicate and hurt ourselves is astounding.

Some of the ways I did this in other areas of life for years was a feeling and behavior of not being enough that impacted me everywhere. For example, no matter how much I gave to people, I never felt like I was enough. No matter how much money I received, I never felt like it was enough.

As a child, I didn't learn a practice of gratitude, contentment, and celebration. I didn't fully learn to love myself. My guess is a lot of this may resonate with you.

Practical Applications:

Identify areas of self-sabotage

Change and replace those

Add in journaling, meditating and prayer

Write a list of daily celebrates

Reflect on daily failures and brainstorm new ideas

I constantly tweak my daily routine. For example, today I added in writing a letter to God as a prayer and then reflecting and responding back to myself as God. I released os much during that one practice today. I learned this from the book The One.

3 Look Back How Far You Have Come

Many of us, myself included, suck at recognizing our value and celebrating each baby step we take. I am proud of myself for being and doing better in this.

Last year, I started writing letters of gratitude to myself. In 2020, I started emailing myself daily notes of celebrations as well.

Practical Applications:

Reflect on how far you've come in any area of life seen and unseen

Ask others what they find valuable about you

Write a letter of gratitude to yourself

Evaluate your progress on a tool like Toggl and/or Focus Matrix

Compare your progress to last month and year

Our transformation from the inside out always evolves. We never arrive. Embrace the journey and each step you make along the way. Every time we summit a mountain, there is a new mountain to climb on this journey of human potential.

Healthy Like a BossTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon