14 Day Challenge: Crazy Confidence: Day 12

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It's easy to see how and why you may have no confidence right now. In fact, you may think I am crazy to do a blog and show now on crazy confidence because of what is going on. I understand. I once thought that way.

I used to base a great deal of my confidence on everything external. I tied my worth to positions, possessions and profits. I am not saying any blessings are negative. However, when I or you find our identity, self-worth and confidence in the external, it is easy to see how that may lead to disaster.

My heart goes out to you, those infected and passed, industries in shambles, and the unemployed. I have no idea what you are walking through in this moment and in 2020. No one is immune. There wasn't a single soul who put global pandemic on their dreams and desires in 2020. Many people have their lives turned upside down in less than three months.

I feel and see the painful and practical side from various angles as well. How you feel is understandable and real. It is your own human experience right now. I have found there is power in perspective and turning pain to purpose.

I have walked through transformation from the inside out over the last 7+ years. I relate and recognize some of you are walking through these last few months what God led me through in years. Breathe. It is a lot.

Whether you are a coach, entrepreneur and/or in a business, we all desire confidence. When I worked in Corporate full-time, I didn't reflect on confidence from the inside out. I often compartmentalized areas of life.

I would submit and surrender some to our Creator, and others I wanted sole control. I distrusted in many areas of life, especially relational and financial. My distrust and pain ran deep in my heart. 

Before I became a full-time entrepreneur in 2011, I was a side-hustler for years. I didn't realize the confidence required to create a life and business you love. I learned the hard way what it takes to have crazy confidence, or Godfidence like I like to say.

Confidence is a muscle. The more we focus on internal and eternal, the more our choices change impacting the foundation and stability in our minds, hearts, and lives. More than anything, several years ago I prayed for fruits of the spirit - peace over all.

In the last seven years, I have transformed every area of my life. I have felt pain and chose to turn pain to purpose. Although this may not be the easiest time of your life, as well as many of us, you may choose to become stronger from the inside out.

I decided years ago I was done with choosing frustration, anger, and unforgiveness repeatedly. We are all human and will feel emotions of course. However, it is a choice to choose to stay apart from love.

When you decide it is time to focus on crazy confidence, everything changes. In the 14 Day Challenge Day 1 I shared how transformation is required to create a life and business you love. In the 14 Day Challenge, you will experience 12 themes to create a life and business you love from faith to wellness to money and travel.

Whether you create with our community on the blog, podcast, and/or in the14 Day Challenge  sneak peek to our monthly mastermind, Creation Club, you will experience transformation like never before. On Day 12 of the 14 Day Challenge, it's time to create crazy confidence.

 On Day 12 of the 14 Day Challenge, it's time to create crazy confidence

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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