Chapter 11

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[Isa's P.O.V.]

'What's that smell? It smells... so sweet,' I thought to myself as I started to wake up. I open one of my eyes to see the little omega still cuddling me. I open both my eyes halfway and just stare at her lovingly. 'She's so cute when she sleeps,' I thought to myself peacefully, until that mildly sweet scent filled my nose. I smelled around my room to see where it was coming from until I realized that it was coming from the little omega. I propped myself up with the use of my elbow and bent over her a little bit. I then allowed the sweet scent to travel through my nose. 'Is her heat starting?' I asked myself as I kept smelling that delectable scent. I smiled to myself until I caught a hint of heat suppressant medication along with the sweet scent. 'Did she wake up early and take them? Why?' I asked myself confused, until it hit me that she probably doesn't want to be in heat all day, knowing that omega's heats take about a week without an alphas help, but with an alphas help it only takes about three to four days. I smiled to myself again as I nuzzled my head in the crook of her neck, nudging her gently to wake up. She made a small noise, as she started to wake up.

"Morning sugar," I say quietly as she starts to open her eyes. She looks up at me tiredly before she smiles.

"G'morning," she replies as she starts to stretch. 'She's so cute' I thought to myself. After she stretched she looked up at me again. I couldn't help but stare at her beauty. I don't know if she was confused or not, but she happily obliged into staring back at me.

"I was going to make myself some breakfast, do you want some?" I asked breaking the silence and not knowing what to say or do. She smiles tiredly before letting out a yawn.

"Sure," she replies in the yawn. I smile and kiss her forehead before sitting up and crawling out of bed. Once I was out of bed, I waited for the little omega so we could go up together. When she was out of bed she stretched one more time, causing the small shirt she was wearing to rise up a bit, allowing me to see the skin of her thin waist and belly. I drooled a little at the sight, knowing that soon it would be all mine, but then I quickly wiped it away so she wouldn't see. After the stretch she walked over to me. I intertwined my fingers with hers as we made our way up to the kitchen for some breakfast. I started to make breakfast, cooking eggs and waffles. My little omega attempted to help me, but I growled softly, letting her know that wouldn't let her, so now she is waiting for me to finish as she sits at the table. When I finished, I dished both of us some food, and gave her her plate. She happily took it away from me with a little "thank you" and then started to eat her food. I smiled and watched her a little as I ate.

"Isa?" the little omega asked me, looking up from her plate.

"Hmm?" I respond, curious to what she wants to say or ask me. I copy her movements and look up at her to make eye contact.

"What do you want to do today?" She asks as she gives me a smile. I put the end of my fork to my lips, to make it look like I was thinking.

"Since we are going to spend all of our time in my room these next

couple days, let's, you and I go for a walk and a small little date today," I respond, giving her a little smirk. She smiles and blushes a little.

"Ok," she responds as she continues to eat her food. When breakfast

was over, we both decided to clean up together so we would have more time to hang out on our date. When it was clean, we both went our separate ways to change before meeting back up again. Like the day before I decided to wear something a little simple, but still nice enough for a date. Once I finished I grabbed a small Satchel to carry around some important things. After I grabbed the bag, I made my way up stairs to wait for the little omega on the couch, but when I got to the top of the stairs, she was already waiting for me. When I saw her my mouth almost dropped again, but I controlled it. She was wearing a black somewhat shoulder revealing shirt, with that same black short skirt Kat forced her into yesterday.

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