Chapter 16

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[Adrien's P.O.V.]

When I woke up, I sat up before I felt nauseous. I whine a bit before getting out of Isa's grasp and running to the bathroom. Sadly I didn't make it but I made it to a garbage can. I threw up a couple times before feeling a bit better, I sat on the cold floor where the garbage can was. I stood up and wiped my face, 'I'm hungry...hmmm...icecream and pickles sound good!' I thought as I walked to the kitchen to find icecream and pickles. I look through the fridge, having a spoon in my mouth. 'Hmm...peanut butter sounds good too' I thought to myself. I grabbed the peanut butter and scooped a spoon full of it and started to eat it. I hum in satisfaction, as I eat the peanut butter. I close the fridge and then sit in a corner of the kitchen eating the peanut butter. I spotted Troy trudging into the kitchen tiredly as he looked in the fridge for food.

"Good mornin' Troy," I said standing up with a spoon in my mouth.

"Morning Adrien..Can you make me breakfast?" Troy asks innocently, as he tiredly walks to the kitchen table. I nodded and then started to make pancakes for him. I hear heavy footsteps come in the kitchen and wrap their arms around my waist.

"Good morning to you too Baby," I mumble through the spoon that was in my mouth as I flip the pancake that was on the pan. I scoop up some more peanut butter and then stuff it in my mouth again. I place a pancake on a plate as I place it on the table, with Isa still hugging me. I turn around to look at Isa, She leans down to kiss me. I moved the spoon that was in my mouth and then let her get her morning kiss. She hums a satisfied hum through the kiss before breaking away.

"I thought you didn't like spoonfuls of peanut butter. Is the child already

speaking to you even though it's been a couple days?" She asked me a bit quietly as she is still sleepy.

"Nooo," I responded quietly, as I tried to hide my cover. I lick some peanut butter off my lips. I heard her give out a hum before laying her head on my shoulder still a bit sleepy.

"Is she not a morning person like you adrien?" Troy asked looking

behind him, chewing on his pancake.

"No, she's not. How do you like your pancakes?" I ask him,

"They're great, Thanks Adrien," Troy responds with a smile on his face. I nod before turning back to my alpha and hugging her back.

"Want some pancakes?" I asked Isa. She nods and looks down at me, I feel her hands move from my waist to my stomach as her thumbs rub it up and down.

"Be nice to mama ok?" Isa asked my stomach. I blushed at the thought that I'll be a mother soon. She then lets me go so she could sit at the table and wait. When she sat down, Troy started to play with the tired alpha. I heard Isa give out a few growls as Troy messed with her, but that didn't faze him, because he just kept messing with her until I put a plate of pancakes for her and me. Isa put her full abided attention from Troy to her eating the pancakes. As Isa was eating I noticed that Troy was still pestering her for her attention. This makes Isa give out more growls as she eats, until I come in, making him stop so she can eat her food. 'We are gonna have a whole learning curve once this child comes' I thought to myself as I eat my food and rub my belly.

After breakfast, and we cleaned up our mess, Jade and Katherine walked in the kitchen for some breakfast. I tell them that there are still pancakes out for them to eat. They nod and start heading that direction as Isa and I made our way downstairs. Troy followed close behind me as we entered Isa's room. Troy looked around almost amazed at the style of the room and then started to run around the room. I start to giggle as I make my way to Isa's bed and sit myself down, while Isa walks to her closet to pull out some clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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