part 13 (end)

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Recap: "not so fast~" he said and took your chin and kissed you awake. He looked at you with lust and you nodded.


It was morning and you did "that" yesterday with him and you were sleeping while he was down making a mess of the kitchen trying to make breakfast which he failed in horribly. You finally woke up to smell smoke you immediately got up, got dressed and went running downstairs "what happend jeff" you asked looking at the kitchen "breakfast happend" he said and you sighed. You snapped your fingers and everything went back to normal "I'll make breakfast kay" you said and gave a peck on the lips and you started to make breakfast while he sat on on the couch watching t.v and finally you made breakfast and served it on the table and you both started to eat "oh by the way nice night we had yesterday (y/n)~" he said and started to flirt with you while your face was red as a tomato suddenly your stomach started to pain you got down on your knees and jeff came running too you "(y/n) are you okay!!!" he asked and got down in his knees and looked at you "I can't breathe" you whisperd "my stomach it hurts" he picked you up bridal style and you told him "go down to my chamber and I'll tell you to drink that potion it will let you turn human for a whole day I have ten of those grab one and drink it I can turn human on my own so I dont need it" you explained and he nodded he got it, then drank and turned human he touched his face but the cut was gone.

He rushed you to a hospital and told them what happend and then the doctor asked "did you have protected" (you know protected "that") and jeff gulped they took you too the emergency room and did an X ray and then you came out as happy as ever "jeff your going to be a father" you said smiling but jeff froze "what did you just say?" he whispered "we are having a child jeff" you said and he hugged you "how great!!!" he said and you pushed him back "careful I'm still in pain" you said "how many?" he asked "twins" you said he smiled wider "how many months?" he asked again "seven months" you replies he was overjoyed "hey what's their gender" "that's for you to figure out" you said and you went home. Time skip to seven months because I can. You were in the emergency room and jeff was outside his head on his hands he was scared cause he knew that you were under pain when they called jeff in he ran like lighting and what he saw was his lover on the bed with two twins they both were girls and they were crying you smiled weakly at jeff "they are beautiful" jeff said and you nodded "oh by the way (y/n) will you marry me" he said holding a ring "yes!!!" you screamed he kissed you and slipped on the ring "what should there names be" jeff asked "hmm.....there names should be (girls name) and (girls name)" jeff smiled and said "I love it" and you both went home "oh your human looks are wearing off" and then jeff glowed and was back to normal "I love you" "I love you too jeff" and you both kissed.

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