Chapter 6 (Taken)

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(Emma's POV)

I was walking down the hall when I heard Norman chasing after me calling my name. I stopped and turned to him 

"What Norman" I said already knowing the answer

"Emma! please think about this! I know earlier I was wrong but is that really enough for you to cancel our engagement!?!?" Norman said pleading with me

"That's not it Norman! I just don't love you like that! I never did! Your just a friend to me Norman! I love Ray!" I screamed

"So, It's Ray...If Ray didn't get in the way you would still love me...If not for Ray you wouldn't have tried to cancel the engagement....Ray....." He said think intensely

"What? Norman your not making any sense! And What do you mean tried to cancel!?! it's OVER Norman!" I said. After that all I saw was Norman then a white flash before I blacked out.

(Ray's POV) 

I was sitting at the table talking with Gilda and Don about what had just happened until we saw Norman walk back in and everyone held their breath.

"It's ok guys! I calmed her down! The engagement is still on." He said looking Ray dead in the eye. Where's Emma everyone asked.

"don't worry she is taking a rest right now she will be fine. Anyways goodnight everyone." he said as he walked off. We were all very confused so we just cleaned up after dinner and went to bed.


I woke up this morning to go check on Emma after everything that happened last night to see if she was ok. I checked her room but no one was there, I started to panic so I check the whole base. Still no sight of Emma. I Ran and got Don and Gilda and told them Emma was no where to be found. They asked If I checked Normans room. I told them no and asked why would she be in Norman's room. Then it hit me.

(Gilda's POV)

Ray's face went as pale as snow. He had never looked so scared, not even when he was face to face with a demon. He Dashed down the hall to Norman's room. We tried to stop him before he saw something he'd wish he wouldn't have but we were to late. I saw Ray down on his knee's door open tear's falling from his face. I couldn't help but watch as Norman sat up and smiled at him. Behind Norman Was Emma unconscious,Naked and Covered in Blood. Ray stood up so fast after seeing that damned smile. He punched Norman so hard his tooth fell out.

"Any last words you bastered before I kill you!" Ray said through tears.

Don rushed forward and held Ray back keeping form beating Norman to a bloody pulp.

"She called your name the whole time" Norman said with a smirk  "ray, ray, save me" he imitated.

I Rushed to Emma's side, She was cover in blood. I wrapped her up in the sheets and carried her to my room. Don let go of Ray and he followed me out but not before giving Don some instructions. Once we got to my room I laid Emma on the bed and Told Ray to go get Anna while I took care of her.

"NO I WON'T LEAVE HER AGAIN!" Ray screamed

"Ray...she wouldn't want you to see her bare like this" I said in a calming voice. He nodded his head and ran to get Anna. Once he was gone I took off the sheets and cried. 

"Im sorry, so sorry...Emma please...forgive me.." I said through tears

"G-Gilda I-I-It's not your fault..." I heard faintly


"D...don't let r-ray see me like this.." she said with all her strength

I nodded my head because at that point it was all I could do to keep from crying any louder.

Hey guys! I know this chapter was a bit short but it was really hard to write. I didn't know if making Norman a bad guy was the right choice but I think with the path things were on it fit well. Anyways The next chapter will be from Ray's POV because he hasn't been to involved for the last two chapters.

Thanks so much- The Writer.

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