star gazing ( 3 )

16 0 0

words : 1260

if you read the other shitty parts of this, this part isnt perfectly lined up with them, also i made those like 6-8 months ago lmao

-Edds POV-

I took a sip from my recently opened Cola can. It soothed my mind and let me think a little clearer, along with letting my vision transition to less blurry and allowing me to make out a little details of the unknown person in our backyard.

Making out the details, even from afar and not a very well lit perspective, I had finally realized who it was.

I open the doors that was separating the outside from inside. The chirping of crickets and occasional hoots of distant owls filled my ears. Everything about this seemed to let me relax, so I can see why they'd come out here, but for what reason exactly?

I slowly slid the doors closed again, making sure to make as little noise as possible to not disturb the almost flawless noises of nature. I made my way toward him, inspecting what he was doing. He seemed to simply gaze upon the stars, not giving a care to what was going on with the rest of the world.

"Hey Matt," I whisper just enough that he could hear it. I shift down next to him into a comfortable position much like his own. He looks at me, unfazed by my unforeseen appearance to him except for the almost unnoticeable pink dancing across his freckled face. To be frank, I think I felt my face heat up slightly, most likely turn pink as well. He muttered a soft greeting back, and immediately after resumed watching the stars. I felt slightly offended by this action.

I take another few sips of Cola. "So uh..." I started, wanting to know what exactly he had been up to and why, "what are you up to this fine, er.. night?" Matt sighed, "just.. thinking— I suppose," he bluntly replied.

I would've asked what he had been thinking of specifically but decided not to judging my his tone of voice. An awkward silence settled between us for a moment longer than I would've liked. Luckily, this awkward silence had been broken by Matt soon after, " you ever have these feelings for someone that.. you've never felt before. You only feel it around one particular person, someone who's special. It's the best feeling in the world but it also makes your stomach turn.. Is that normal?" Matt seemed hesitant to ask and describe this, but at the some time somehow sounded relieved to tell me.

I thought about his words for a moment, wondering what he was talking about, "well, sounds pretty cheesy, but maybe you just like them more than a friend, like a crush. You must really like them considering how strong these feeling seem to be on you, huh?" I chuckled. It was a simple answer, but it was the best I could muster. As disappointed as I was, I managed to not let that feeling slip in between my words, as I have to admit, I do have some strong feeling towards him like what he has. Well, how could you not like him? He's a charming, attractive, energetic goofball that when he enters the room I cannot help but smile.

Matt didn't answer, as if he didn't hear what I had said at all. I finally mimic his actions and look at the night sky with him. The way the moon hangs in the sky somehow makes this all much more relaxing, like if all the bad feelings were washed away from the world. Small, luminous specs of light littered here and there across what would be an empty sky if it hadn't been for them.

Matt yawned, snapping me out of this serene relaxation, "I guess that's good to know.." He didn't sound as happy nor excited as usual or as expected, maybe the answer wasn't clear enough? Then the thought finally struck me, who did he like anyways? He wouldn't mind telling me, right? I mean, it wouldn't hurt to ask since we've been friends since primary school.

"Matt, would you mind telling me who this 'special person' is? It would help me help you better," I asked, looking in his direction. Matt sat up, I couldn't tell if he was thinking or not from him hanging his head low and the glow from the moon being overhead. I sit up beside him, taking a sip of Cola and placing a hand on his shoulder. "If you're not ready to tell me, that's perfectly fine."

Matt quivered lightly and took a deep breath, holding it in for a moment before exhaling. He held his knees to his chest as I start to rub his back in a comforting manor to help ease him. "I didn't mean to upset you, Matt, like I said you don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable.."

Matt shook, his form looking like he was close to crying. "I-I want to tell you but... I—," immediately after he broke down into tears, unable to finish what he was saying. I didn't realize a crush would put such an effect on him. I pull him into a hug that he reluctantly returned, sobbing into my shoulder.

It took him a moment for him to settle his thoughts and feelings, but I was able to keep him soothed in the meantime. Every once in a while he yawned, obviously tired by now.

Matt moved, turning his head, "I like you, Edd.." He whispered, on the verge of losing his consciousness. I was surprised, I would have never guessed he would like anyone like me! I guess its my lucky day, other than us running out of Cola perhaps.

Afterward, his body feels heavy and his breathing was steady, in sync like a pattern. 'He probably fell asleep,' I thought. I steadily release from our hug we were still in, and despite him being a heavy sleeper I made sure to be as gentle as a could with him. I lift him from the soft grass, mentally thankful that he was fairly light weigh.

I walk back to the sliding doors, opening them to get through and not giving another thought about my still filled Cola can that was abandoned in our yard. I swiftly close the doors again and made my way upstairs to his bedroom. Matt's room was an absolute mess, but I managed to make it to his bed at the very back without tripping on anything. I lay Matt down on his bed and tossed the blanket over him.

"Goodnight, Matt. I love you, too," I had spoken softly to him, giving him a small peck on the forehead. As soon as I had pulled away I saw a small smile plastered on his face, 'of course he would be awake.' As soon as I had thought this, Matt wraps his arms around me and flopped me next to him on his king sized bed, without hurting me of course.

We laughed together but made sure to still be silent before Tom complains about not getting enough sleep. Well, more like I was silent, I had to remind Matt a few times to keep quiet. Our laughter quickly died down as consciousness started take over both of us, comfortably wrapped together with a blanket settling over us and miscellaneous toys, objects, and items scattered every inch of the bedroom, even filling up some of the selves in Matt's wardrobe.

I had everything I needed, everything I wanted. My thoughts drifted away from me to leave me in a peaceful sleep, in the arms of my lover.

lol i dislike this but also love this and proud of this so much wtf lmao,, this is gonna get only like several reads but idgaf— anyways hope you likes reading it : ) also recently ive gotten more into a different community and fandom, so im not as into ew as i had been before,,

i was also gonna add a bonus but i just wanna get this out lol- might edit one a bit after publishing if i come up with a good one  : D

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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