part 4

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               your POV:

wildcard: noodles or y/n, open the hatch!

I use my spider web and open the hatch, then I climbed up the wall and out of the hatch. First wildcard came out then fast forward, rewind, guppy, face maker, noodles, wheels, Ojo, missy, and a cappella

missy: don't let them follow us!

A cappella: ~Adios~

me: good job everyone

I high-five everyone

me: noodle, the access cards!

noodles hands them to me, i hand them to wildcard and he scans them. I enter the train cart (and again idk what they're called if you do please comment what it is in the comments) we all walk in and sit down. I sit beside of guppy.

fast forward: we did it!

wheels: but the train will only take us just outside the force field, then they'll catch us for sure. look they're already mobilizing!

me: oh no!

missy: brace yourselves!

I nod and grab the pole in front of me but at the same time wildcard also grabs onto the pole.

me: sorry

I move my hand down the pole a little bit and hold onto it for dear life.

missy: you too guppy.

guppy then grabs onto the pole with her shark strength.

wildcard: Acapella, make us fly.

me: smart idea

wildcard: thanks

Acapella nods and gets up and starts sing in a very very low tone. then the cart starts to shake. as the cart shakes, I fall but guess what I fall onto, yep you guessed it, it was wildcards lap. I blush I probably look like a tomato. I tried my best to get up but the train cart kept moving

me: I'm so so sorry

wildcard: it's fine I kind of like this position😏

my face goes a deep red. The next thing I know we're in the air, and I get off wildcards lap. What

everyone: yeah!

i smile looking down at the guards, I look over and Acapella keeps making an x shape with her hands

me: she can't steer!

missy: we'll crash into that building!

wheels: we need to change directions!

noodles look at me and I nod

me and noodles: we're on it!

noodles make a fist to break the glass.

noodles grab onto the pole and I use my web and stick it to the pole and I use my other hand to the web to the light post below us. I and noodles jump out of the cart, noodles use his other arm to wrap around the pole. me and noodles both start to run around the pole swinging the train cart

noodles: I'm slipping

my eyes widened before I know it my web starts to break/detach from the cart. Oh shit..

wildcard's POV

I look over to where y/ns web is and I see it start to break/detach. I run over to it and hold it.

Wildcard x fem readerWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt