Percy Jackson

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Okay I can't choose my favorite book, but it's either Harry Potter, or Percy Jackson.

Percy is about to get kicked out of a School. Aigain. He isn't doing his homework, he has ADHD, he is dyslexic, and then there is a tiny small problem. Just the tiny little problem, that he pulverised his math teacher... Soon Percy finds out, that he isn't just a normal kid, when he comes to a place called Camp Halfblood. He is blamed of stealing the greek god Zeus ligtning, and have to go on a mission to find the real thief. But monsters hide out there, and not everyone wants theyre mission to succes...

This is the most funny book i have ever readed!!! It is Full of humor, and combine Old greek mythogy, with the modern live. It's full of plot twistes, and dont worry. You dont need to know greek mytholy, and this is actually also a good learning to it, in a Way that don't feel like homework!!! It's a amasing story, with lots of Dam inside jokes, be Rick Riordan.


Books in the Series: 5

Recommended age: i Will say 7+, but it's different what peoble say.

Size: 300-400 Pages in each book.

Author: Rick Riordan

If/when youre done Reading it: who is youre godly parent? Mine is Athena.

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