Shadow and Bone

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Until now i mostly recommended popular books, and this one is popular to, but not as popular as the others. I'm Reading it by the time, so i'm not all done, but i Can recommend the part i've allready readed:

Alina Starskovs parents is dead, and she grew up on a orphanage with her best freind Mal. Later they go to the heir together, and is still really close. But Mal is very beautiful, and Alina knows, that he will find a beautiful grisha (peoble with magic powers, that lives an amasing life, and get Rich and stuff) to live his life with. But one day she save Mal under a attack, with powers she didn't knew she owned, and soon, a whole new future is open for her- if she survive...

Its an amasing book allready, and really cought me from the first second, by Leigh Bardugo.

I'll give it ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤍until now...

Books in the Series: 3, but there is other Series in the same Universe.

Recommended age: 15+

Size: 300-400 Pages.

Author: Leigh Bardugo

Edit: so i just finished the book today and... this is probrably the best i've readed since Harry Potter and Percy Jackson!!! It is amasing there is so many plot twistes and... if you like Reading (even if you dont!) the you have to read it!!! Seriusly you won't miss it!!!! I change my rate: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ but not to ruin youre party, but i have to set up the recommended age... it's youre choise, but i would wait to youre in the teenage ages. If it gives you an idea about how Old you should be, then there is a Netflix Series to it, and it's 16+. I am 12 years Old, and i couldn't have readed it a year ago.

If/when youre done Reading it: Wich Grisha power do you like the most? I really don't know, but i love the storm powers. But then there is light... and water... can't choose!

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