A girl called Justice

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This is an amasing mystery book, and you dont know the answer, until last page...

Justice mom is dead, and her dad is busy, so he had to sent her to a boarding School. But when she comes there, there is something with a girl named Mary, and they wont talk about her. Peoble starts to dissapear, and now Justice has to figure out the myrder, before getting myrdert her self...

It is so good, and i has to Admit, that when i readed this a night, i Got a little scared. It is very detailed, but still a little shorter than the others i recommended. If you just got out of a Big series, and need something new before starting on the next Big Series, i would recommend this book, by Elly Grittihts.

❤️❤️❤️❤️🤍 (but still it's amasing)

Books in the Series: 1

Recommended age: 9? 10?

Size: 228 Pages

Author: Elly Grittiths

If/when youre done Reading it: who did you Think the murder was? I honestly didn't knew before the end...

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