12) A Christmas Party: Part 2

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I lounged back in my chair and let out a long, satisfied sigh.

"That was absolutely delicious!" I stated.

"Thank you, Y/N", Sierra beamed proudly.

"We have a little bit left if you're still hungry?" she offered.

"No, thanks, I'm good", I kindly declined.

"Alex?" Sierra tried.

"Sorry, but as you can see, I'm stuffed!" he smiled and he patted his full stomach.

"Pretty sure that's not my fault..." Sierra whispered in my ear.

I tried to suppress a chuckle as I glanced at her with what I hoped was a disapproving look.

"That was mean, Sierra" I cocked my eyebrow, but that didn't prevent her from letting out a giggle.

"And what are you two whispering about?" Alex chipped in, possibly feeling a little excluded.

"Just asking Y/N if she'd be so kind to help me clear the table", Sierra answered innocently.

Alex gave her a questioning glare but much to my surprise, he swiftly exchanged his frown for a smile and lazily started scratching his beard.

"I can help too if you want?" he offered.

Without waiting for a reply, he stood up from his chair, grabbed the first bowl he could get his hands on and opened the fridge.
Sierra and I exchanged looks, baffled at how gullible he was. Maybe it was better that way, I decided. With a shrug, Sierra gestured me to follow her and while Alex stashed away the leftovers, we focussed on filling the dishwasher.

It didn't take long before we were done cleaning up and Sierra suggested we'd gather on the couch to watch a movie together. Not a bad idea, Alex and I agreed and several minutes later we stood back in the living room. While Sierra and Alex huffed down on the sofa, I sighed and sauntered back to the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Alex wondered curiously.

"I forgot my glass of wine, it's still on the countertop", I explained.

"Really, you forgot?" he questioned me incredulously.

"Never thought I'd hear you say that !" 

I stuck my tongue out at him and turned around, leaving Alex's muffled snickers behind me.
With a refilled glass in my hand, I found my way back to the couch, attracting Alex's attention once again.

"I thought yours was almost empty?" he remembered.

"Not anymore", I smirked and I set my glass down on the coffee table in front of me.

Turning around, my smile faltered a bit as I gazed at what had once been my spot and I gave the animal that stole it an annoyed look. Celie was sprawled out across the sofa, taking in a baffling amount of space for such a small cat. Since there was nothing I could do about it - well, there was, but I didn't have the heart to wake this little ball of adorableness - I shrugged and strolled to the other end of the couch. After I sat down, we finally managed to pick out a movie and with each a bowl of popcorn, we were all set. Or so we thought. 

Less than five seconds later, the doorbell rang, causing all three of us to jump up a little. 

"Who on earth might that be?" Alex frowned.

"No idea", Sierra shrugged, getting up from the sofa, "but I'm about to find out."

"Should I go with you?" I suggested.

"It's okay, I'll be fine", she smiled. 

"Besides, I need someone to watch Brightman over here", she winked, gesturing at Alex refilling his glass for the third time.

As I couldn't help but let out a chuckle, Alex rolled his eyes smirking, before taking a sip of his drink.

"It's fine, you can keep watching", Sierra offered, noticing Alex lean over to grab the remote.

"Yeah?" he hesitated.

"Sure, just tell me what happened", she nodded, closing the door behind her.

"Okay, then..." Alex shrugged, flicking a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

As the title of the film filled the screen with its redundantly oversized letters, I leaned back on the couch, only to sit back up almost immediately. I soon realised the pillow supporting my back was really uncomfortable. After some wriggling in an attempt to find a better position, I grabbed it from behind me and without thinking, I flailed the thing to the other side of the room. Making a perfect arc in the air, it flew across the coffee table and landed...
Right in Alex's face.

"Hey, what was that for?!" he frowned.

"Huh?" I mumbled, my eyes still glued to the tv.

Alex cleared his throat and I finally shifted my gaze on him. When our eyes met, he glared at me, one eyebrow pulled up, his bowl of popcorn on the floor and an all too familiar pillow balancing on his lap. My eyes grew wide as I figured out what must've happened.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Alex! I didn't mean to-"

Before I got the chance to apologise, a plushie bounced off the side of my head.

"Wha-?" I let out a confused sigh.

"First you talk behind my back and now you're hitting me?" Alex tutted, reaching for a pink elephant.

"That's just asking for it!" he concluded, firing the stuffed animal at my arm.

"Hey! Stop that!" I protested, not really enjoying my time as a target.

"What is it, princess? Can't handle a few plushies?" Alex smirked teasingly.

I squinted my eyes, glancing at him suspiciously as his hand moved to the side again, searching for his next projectile.

"You're gonna regret that", I warned him, snatching another pillow from beside me.

"Oh, am I?" Alex encouraged me.

I nodded and in one smooth motion, I flailed the cushion his way, intentionally this time. Alex made a futile attempt to dodge it, shifting to the side just a little too late. I hit him right in the stomach and as a proud grin crossed my face, Alex's eyes twinkled, hinting at his competitive side.

"Not bad, princess..." he admitted.

"Though I'm afraid you'll have to do better than that, especially if you're planning on winning", he teased.

"Try me!" I dared him.

"As you wish", he smirked, swiftly picking up the two pillows I'd thrown at him.

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