3) Dinner at Fuego's

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I leaned against a lamppost and sighed. We had agreed to meet here twenty minutes ago, so we could grab something to eat at the coffee shop across the street. Sierra was exceptionally late and my stomach growled, begging me for food. I scanned the park once again, but there was still no sign of her.

"Y/N! Over here!" someone suddenly shouted my name.

"There you are! I almost thought you weren't coming!" I yelled back.

Sierra came running towards me, letting her handbag swing all over the place. When she eventually reached me, she rested her hands on her thighs while breathing heavily and I let her catch her breath. After some time, she straightened up again and gave me an apologetic smile. 

"I'm sorry I'm late", she breathed.

"It's okay, I'm glad you're here now", I smiled back.  

"I still had to drop my nephew off at daycare and you know how much he hates putting on his shoes", she explained.

I smiled and opened my arms, inviting her in for a hug. Sierra didn't waste a second as she jumped into my arms, almost throwing me off balance. 

My stomach growled again and I pulled back. 

"Someone's hungry", Sierra laughed.

"Thankfully, I know the perfect place to go to when you're that famished!" she continued. 

She winked and grabbed my hand, pulling me in the direction of the coffee shop. 

It was surprisingly calm inside. We both ordered a sandwich and searched for a table. Somewhere in the corner was a nice spot for two and we sat down, greedily taking a few bites from our food. While we ate, we caught up with each other. I asked her a lot about the audition, since I hadn't really seen her these past three weeks. Sierra told me that everything had gone quite well, but she'd never expected to get the role. 

"When I got the email I just couldn't believe my eyes. I had to reread it like five times until it dawned on me." 

"You definitely deserve it", I assured her with a smile.

When we were done eating, we strolled through the streets. Every now and then we entered one of the shops and tried some things on, all the while talking and joking, trying to make up for the time we lost.
As we walked into a toy store to try on the ridiculous hats they had displayed in the shop window, Sierra's phone buzzed. 

'Reminder: Dinner at Fuego's in 30 minutes'

Her eyes widened.

"Jeez, is it so late already? We need to get to the restaurant!" 

She looked to her side, but I wasn't there anymore.

"Y/N?" she called.

I popped my head out from behind a gigantic teddy bear, already wearing some sort of idiotic headgear. Sierra couldn't help but laugh when she saw me. I looked like an absolute moron!

"I see you've already picked out your outfit for later", she grinned.

I chuckled and nodded in agreement. Sierra walked up to me and suddenly her smile changed into a somewhat mischievous grin.

"I'm sure Alex would like it. Maybe you should buy it for him."

"Sierra!" I sighed, rolling my eyes. Still, I could barely hide my rosed cheeks.

She quickly apologized and explained we were running late, so I placed the hat back where I found the thing, but not before Sierra took a picture of me posing with it.

She made sure she had saved it in her gallery and then grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the store and towards the restaurant. 

Fuego's was at the other end of the street so it took us quite some time to get there. When we finally arrived at the door, we leaned against a table, catching our breaths. A waiter saw Sierra and me and strolled towards us, holding a little black notepad in one hand and a pen in the other. 

"Excuse me ladies, have you made a reservation?" 

Sierra was the first to straighten up and turn towards the attendant. 

"Yes, we've booked a table on the name of Sierra Bogges."

The waiter took a look at his notepad and nodded when he found her name on the paper.

"Right, this way please, madam." 

He turned around and guided us through the restaurant. He stopped at a long table, tucked away in a corner and behind a huge fish tank.

"As you see we've tried our best to fulfil your request to have a bit of privacy", the waiter proudly spoke.

"Thank you", Sierra responded with a smile.

The waiter replied with a small grin and a nod, before turning his back on us and walking towards the kitchen. 

"Wow", I breathed in awe. 

"I know", Sierra laughed. "It's quite fancy, isn't it?"

I nodded and stared at the chandelier above us. Dozens of tiny diamonds twinkled brightly in the dimmed light. It was beautiful! I turned my head to the left and took in all sorts of exotic species of sea life I'd never seen before. The fish tank was enormous and stretched over the entire length of our table.

I had just spotted an octopus hiding behind a rock when Sierra tapped me on the shoulder. 

"Let's take a seat. It won't be long 'til the others will arrive. These guys are always on time, you know", she winked. 

I sat down and turned towards her. 

"Why did you want us to sit so hidden away?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Oh, that's because Andrew asked me to. Famous people don't like to be recognized all the time", she chuckled, rolling her eyes while saying that last sentence. 

"Right, of course..." 

I'd almost forgotten our guests were these popular musical icons and I started to feel nervous. 

"They're just colleagues of Sierra", I thought to myself. 

She noticed my mood shift and placed a hand on my arm.

"You alright? You don't have to worry about them. They're all really nice people."

She gave me a reassuring smile and I smiled back. 

"Or is it because Alex is going to be here?" Sierra teased me.

"No, of course not!" I said, giving her an annoyed look.

"Okay, okay, I was just asking!" 

I rolled my eyes at her and glanced at my watch.

"When did you say they'd be here?" 

"Around six-thirty", Sierra answered.

"Well, it's exactly half-past six", I replied, "And I thought you said these guys are alwa-"

"Hey, Sierra!" we heard someone shout behind us.

"See? I told you, they're never late", she grinned at me, before standing up and greeting the newcomer.

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