6) City Lights

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So there we stood. Practically the only people left in the restaurant. I plucked my jacket from the back of my chair and looked at him. Alex, already carrying his coat, stared back at me, not really knowing what to do. I cleared my throat while glancing at the door and he got the hint.

"Right, ... uh, ladies first", he smiled while stretching out his arm in a gentleman like manner.

I smiled back at him and he walked right behind me as we left the building. Once we were outside he quickened his pace and caught up with me. We saw the last seconds of what had probably been a beautiful sunset and it got quite dark very soon after. Just a few lampposts were already lit and provided some dim lighting. I did my very best not to trip over the muddy tiles sticking out of the rough sidewalk. Alex and I walked side by side and I really didn't want to embarrass myself like that. Truth be told, I wasn't the handiest person.

Up 'till now we hadn't spoken a single word. But neither of us felt the need to break the silence. It was quite pleasant, actually. Once I stopped worrying about me making a fool out of myself in front of Alex, I just enjoyed his presence and took in the sight of the softly lit buildings, the star-filled sky and the crescent moon, drenching everything in a silver-like light. A peaceful smile appeared on my face as I glanced over to Alex, who did the same. He smiled back at me, ran his fingers through his hair and focused his gaze on the pavement again as we wandered further into the night, both lost in our own thoughts.

Suddenly a cold breeze hit me in the face and I shivered, zipping up my jacket. With the sun gone it had gotten quite chilly. Thankfully Alex didn't park too far from the restaurant. We were only a few blocks further when he spotted his car in one of the side streets. He unlocked it and I eagerly reached for the doorknob. Within a few seconds, I had swung the door open, sat myself down and put on the heating. Alex, on the other hand, took his time to settle in behind the wheel. With his seatbelt clicked in place, he leaned over to the dashboard and typed in the address of the nearest station. Meanwhile, I had discovered a blanket in the backseat and was trying to get a hold of it. Alex noticed how I struggled and offered me some help. He stretched himself out and was able to grab one of the corners. After he pulled the blanket on his lap, he handed it to me. I swung the piece of cloth over my shoulders and snuggled in its warmth.

"That better?" Alex chuckled.

"Yeah, much better!"

I nestled in even more and let out a satisfied sigh.

"You always have blankets just lying around in your car?" I wondered.

Alex smiled and shook his head.

"No, I must've left it in there when I brought Kevin to the vet. You eh, might find some dog hair in there. I hope you're not allergic... "

"Oh no, I love dogs!" I smiled.

"Me too", Alex grinned approvingly.

"I promise I'll show you some pictures, I have tons of those on my phone, but let me drive you first," he insisted.

"Okay," I complied.

Thereafter we drove in silence for a while. Gradually the twilight had replaced itself with complete darkness. It had started to rain too and the city lights shone through the blurry windows, softening their brightness. That and the distant sound of other cars passing by had made me very sleepy. I let out a yawn and closed my eyes.

When I opened them again, Alex was watching me. But once he noticed I saw him staring, he swiftly moved his eyes to the road again. Like it never happened. But the red glow on his cheeks proved otherwise, and admittedly, so did mine.

Burying my face in the blanket, partially to hide it, I dozed off again, thinking about earlier this evening when Alex realised he'd met me before. He felt uncomfortable too, didn't he? But why? Should I ask him? Dare I ask him? Or am I just being too nosy again? I glanced to the side, eying Alex indecisively.


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