◺ the limo talk ◹

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Mukuro and Junko sat next to each other. I sat across from both of them. We all had champagne flutes, however, they only held sparkling water. I took my time with my water, but Mukuro and Junko chugged it.

"Tell me the truth! Do you have more freckles now than the last time we got to hang out?" In the middle of her sentence, Junko picked up an ice pick and tried to stab Mukuro. My heart almost stopped.

But Mukuro was ready. She caught Junko's hand easily.

"What? Do you think I do, [Name]?" Junko kept trying to stab her as Mukuro kept blocking. She turned her head to face me.

I was sweating. A lot. These two always made me nervous, they were so... dangerous. Together. Before I could even speak, Junko interrupted me.

"It's a fact! Not some half-assed opinion!" After a few more stabbing attempts, she added, "I'm testing your honesty, dumbass!"

"Well... no. I don't." Mukuro answered honestly.

"My vision is 10,000/20! I see em!" Junko denied, continuing her quick stabbing movements.

I heard Mukuro mutter something about how much of an artist Junko was for trying to stab her while Junko unpinned a grenade. She threw it at Mukuro while jumping across the limo to sit next to me. Of course I tensed up, but Junko just put her arm around me with a grin before her nose shrivelled up.

"[Name], honey, you reek! Did you even take a bath?!" She criticized.

"Uhm... yeah. I did." I watched Mukuro guide the grenade into her champagne glass, lower the window, and toss it out. I heard the explosion a few seconds later. She simply rolled up the window and stared at Junko again.

"...anyway... why did you want me here in the first place, Junko?" Mukuro asked.

Junko seemed a little annoyed at the question. "'Cause tomorrow's our high school entrance ceremony."

Right. High school. We're all going into high school. Despite not specializing in anything, I'm smart enough to skip a grade. It made living with Junko easier, one less thing for her to insult me about. Well... if she cared enough to want to bring me into despair.

"High school?"

"I'll spell it out for you so your remaining brain cells don't burst from the exertion, okay?" Junko gave a huge exaggerated sigh as she spoke. She moved to be in the middle of the limo. "There's an elite highschool in our future! This place is so far up it's own ass, they actually call it the high school of hope! They want me, of course, and your dumb ass is coming along for the ride! Double trouble, they want us both!" She grinned again.

She's not talking to me.

"Look at that smile... you're really happy about this." I saw a light blush come onto Mukuro's face.

What about me?

"Yeah! I'm frickin ecstatic! My heart is beating a mile a minute just thinking about it!" Junko smiled even wider, her eyes closed.

"What about me?" I asked. My voice cracked a little. They turned their heads to me.

Junko's smile disappeared. "Oh, right. I didn't tell you. You have to go to a regular high school and live alone."

I felt my vision begin to go blurry from tears. "W-What? Are you serious? I have to... to-" I looked down at the floor of the limo.

But Junko just started to laugh. "Wow, I thought you were smarter than that! Of course not, dumby! I got you into the Reserve Course!" She grinned again. "Geez, you actually fall into despair so easily when Mukuro is in the picture! Wow!"

I sniffled and tried to wipe my tears away. I felt two arms around my shoulders and saw my sisters there. Mukuro had pity on her face.

But this was the happiest I'd ever seen Junko.


That's concerning.

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