"Sudden Switch"

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M/N woke up in Jeno's arms,he knew they were on the bed and could notice it was around afternoon.He faced the window and smiled when he felt Jeno turn him around,the older had his casual Samoyed-like grin "Had a nice nap?".The boy nodded before getting nuzzled at the neck by Jeno,he giggled and changed into some pool clothes he generated at the futuristic closet.He went to the pool and saw everyone already made up since they were having fun in the water,he walked to the perimeter and remembered his leg.He sadly smiled before sitting by the side of the pool,just dipping his toes and playing with the water with his fingers.Winwin swam to him and grinned "You can't swim because of your leg,right?",the boy nodded before yelping when Winwin's wet hand touched his hair.The older laughed before noticing M/N was looking at his hand,Winwin laughed "Its okay,you can hold hyung's hand~".M/N shyly held his hand and had a small grin,he could see Xiaojun and Ten just squealing.He pointed at them and Winwin knew instantly what it meant,he helped the boy enter the water and saw him slowly go to the shallow end but laughed when M/N waddle to the stais near the pool.Everyone loved M/N's cuteness and the boy was clearly upset,he saw Jeno come out from the lobby and smiled.The older went next to the boy after removing his slippers and shirt,M/N blushed at the sight but was comfortable when he laid on the older's shoulder.Jeno smiled before noticing Shotaro and Sungchan were coming to them with a whole bucket of water,the older stood up and covered M/N when the water spilled.M/N looked at Jeno "Is it the water prank again?",Jeno nodded before M/N started chasing Sungchan.As he was chasing the older,his leg stung and the pain was unbearable.He tripped and shut his eyes,Sungchan ran to him fast and looked worried "Are you okay?!Is something wrong?!".M/N nodded and was instantly got carried by the older,Sungchan tried his best to calm the sobbing boy who was in pain while some of the boys followed.M/N couldn't handle the pain as he got laid on one of the beds in the empty but clean rooms,Kun ran in and removed the bandage to see that the burns were healing but they were still pretty sensitive.Sungchan and Shotaro kept the boy calm as Kun applied the ointment on the wounds,M/N could feel the pain intensify every minute as tears streamed down his face.

Once Kun finished treating the boy's leg,M/N was in Shotaro's arms sobbing as what happened to him felt like a intense torture.Sungchan could see the boy start to materialize a syringe in his hand,he stopped the boy last minute and took him in his arms.The other boys were heartbroken as they heard M/N sob after the painful experience he had,Jaehyun had a scared smile before seeing Sungchan walk out with M/N slightly sobbing.Eric wiped the boy's tears and caressed his cheek "Its all fine now,the pain is gone",M/N nodded before feeling a imaginary bullet hit his chest.He felt it and looked very puzzled "Huh?",Juyeon looked at him "What's wrong?".M/N looked at him "I felt a bullet hit my chest but I saw nothing...",Taeyong who knew that sensation well smiled awkwardly "That probably is nothing,kiddo~".M/N nodded before pointing to his room,Sungchan and Shotaro brought the boy to his room while the others turned to Taeyong.Xiaojun crossed his arms "Don't tell me its what I think it is..please don't-",Taeyong nodded as he sighed "Yes,he's gonna remember everything we tested on him in a weeks time.I got that after the week we stopped testing on him and made him believe we were a group of survivors from the zombie apocalypse we ignored".Everyone groaned as they knew were on a rough and rocky road to get M/N to forgive them.

Meanwhile in the boy's room,M/N was playing with Shotaro and Sungchan.He giggled when Sungchan tickled him,Shotaro took advantage of the situation and hugged the boy.M/N laughed "You guys are so fun to play with~",he could hear the door open and saw Jisung.He waved at them "Wanna play with us,Jisung-hyung?",the older smirked "Why would I decline such a perfect offer?".M/N smiled and the four boys played with each other like childhood best friends,the boy grinned as he enjoyed their little games.While they were playing,M/N saw Doyoung walk in with some cookies.The child went to grab some instantly but pouted when the older gave it to Jisung and took him in his arms,Doyoung smiled and kissed the boy's nose "You're so gullible~".Sungchan laughed "He even fell for our joke when we played truth or dare,we jokingly said that he won't get fat if he ate dessert and now he's planning to eat all the cookies you made~",M/N scoffed "Its not my fault that a kid like me isn't someone who can easily tell something is a joke or not,I just like being all serious".Doyoung chuckled before sitting down and placing the boy on his lap,the older wrapped his arms around M/N's waist as the younger played a card game with the three boys.Doyoung laughed "Sungchan is about to lose~",M/N giggled "He obviously didn't know I was a great card game player when I was back in school~".Jisung smiled before placing his final card down,everyone was taken aback when the card was faced upwards.M/N covered his mouth "No way...he pulled the card needed to win...Its the first time I lost a game...",Jisung smirked "Where's the hug and kisses you promised for the winner".Doyoung let go of the boy and let him hug the younger,Jisung smiled when M/N shyly kissed his cheek.He ruffled the boy's head and kissed his forehead,M/N giggled "Why so cuddly~".Jisung laughed "Its because you're such a little cuddle bug~",the boy giggled before yelping when Doyoung took him back in his arms.The older nuzzled M/N's neck "You're so huggable,you're like a teddy bear~",the younger giggled "Human tweddy bear!".Sungchan ruffled the boy's head "Yes,you are a very cute human teddy bear~",Shotaro and Jisung were just eating cookies while feeding the boy some.Doyoung grinned and kissed the boy's cheek "You're too adorable for this world~",the boys' wholesome cuddle and compliment montage stopped when Y and Tag walked in.M/N looked at them with wide eyes before looking away as he was all red,Doyoung laughed "You hate it when people see you in someone's arms,don't you?~".M/N shyly nodded before going to his bed,he laid down as he looked outside the cracked window.Tag smiled before laying down next to the boy and hugged him from the back,M/N smiled and rest his head on the older's neck with a smile.Tag laughed softly before patting the child's head,he started to sing the boy to sleep.Y waved at the other 4 boys as they left the room before he went to the unoccupied side next to M/N,he wrapped his arms around M/N's waist and joined Tag in singing the boy to sleep.M/N slowly slept with the clairvoyance and harmony of the two's voices and could feel the warmth of the two boys' bodies surge into him,his mouth curved into a smile as he drifted to dreamland.Y and Tag grinned before slowly falling asleep as well,Bongjae noticed the trio slept peacefully on the bed and grinned.


M/N and the others were eating lunch happily,Jeno noticed that M/N seemed happier.Jaemin smiled "M/N-ah,what's got you all happy?That's odd for an person like you",the boy laughed "Well,a certain someone or certain people managed to make me feel bubbly inside when I was in my room".Jisung and the others who went to M/N's room grinned proudly before hearing noises from the outside of the dome,M/N flinched and got his gun.Everyone stood up and sighed,"Its just the wind,I knew there was a strong breeze today" Muzin said.M/N calmed down and continued to eat,the others did the same.Haechan stood up when he saw M/N finish fast,the older smiled "M/N-ah,wanna play tag?".M/N nodded before running with a smile "You can't catch me!!",Haechan smirked before chasing the boy.The other boys who were finished eating chased the boy with a smile,M/N softly giggled as he hid behind a door.He went to check if someone knew where he is and yelped when Haechan appeared in front of him,he giggled when he was carried out the room while being nuzzled in the neck.Jungwon laughed "There's our little chaser~",the boy went on the floor and sat down.He pulled out his cards and looked at the boys near him "Wanna play?",they smirked before sitting down and started to play.

Taeyong and Hongjoong watched the boys play with a smile,they had their eyes on M/N before smiling at his bitter reaction of Haechan defeating his frontline of robots.Seungmin laughed "M/N-ah,you're about to lose~",the boy huffed before doing his move.He victoriously smiled when his flamethrower tank attack wiped out almost everyone's teams,he smirked at Younghoon and Jisung before using his advantage to take additional two turns by using bomb tornado and mine drop.He happily stood up and danced his victory dance when he demolished the two boys' team,he ran away as fast as he could when everyone stood up.The boys who had an unlucky loss chased him and Taeyong laughed,"He's the happiest soul we ever have met" Taeyong said with a smile.Hongjoong had a small grin at the side of his mouth "You don't have to say that twice~",they laughed when M/N was brought back while being carried.Changmin smiled in victory "You won't escape our sight even for a second~",M/N crossed his arms as he pouted "Meanie".The older chuckled "Its not my fault that Jongho can carry you like a parent holding their baby!",Jongho grinned "M/N-ah,you should know by now that we're always able to find you already".The boy scoffed "I'm sorry that I wander around like a careless drunk wreck while keeping myself safe",Dohyon laughed "You should know your definition of safe is staying intact while getting minimal marks of accidental mistakes".Taeyong walked to them with his arms crossed "He's right,you come back covered in dirt and bruises once you arrive from a scavenger hunt without us.I still remember the small cuts and slight blood on your skin when you first ventured on your own.",M/N crossed his arms "Well,I'm sorry that I have a habit to do things myself.I guess I was raised by my parents wrong".He went down and walked to the pool,he dipped his toes and played with the water using his fingers as he hummed a song.He sighed before singing a song that he kept in his head,the other boys listened in and smiled as they heard all their names.M/N grinned as he continued singing and stopped when he saw the boys watching him,he blushed and almost fell in the water.He stood up and fidgeted with his fingers behind his back,"H-h-hey,guys!What are you guys d-d-d-doing there?" he said as his shyness was skyrocketing.Yoojun smiled "To hear you singing,is it wrong to do that?",the boy smiled awkwardly "A little,I guess~".Jeno felt his heart beat faster,he had a small smile as he thought :"I wonder if I'll get the chance to have him...I will get that chance.."

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