Chapter 38

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"Awe! Look how cute they are!" A high pitch squeal wakes me up from my sleep. I groan under the heavy dead weight of Katsuki.

"I didn't know Kacchan could be...cuddly." At the sound of Midoriya's voice Katsuki tenses quickly sitting up to verbally attack to poor guy. I cover my ears and roll onto my side trying to get a few more minutes of sweet sleep. A smack to the back of my head reminds me that it was a pointless thought. I turn to glare at my teacher who looked like he could use a few extra hours as well.

"Rise and shine, princess. Time for the hardest training of your life." Aizawa smirks down at me. I groan, dragging myself off the couch and back to the room to grab my training outfit out of my bag, which was just a tank top and shorts. We all quickly change and head out to eat breakfast before beginning training. Before the actual training we go on a five mile warm up run.

'The hardest training of your life', which calling it that was no understatement, was pushing our quirks to beyond our limit. Using them over and over to increase that limit. To say we were half dead when we dragged ourselves off the training area would be correct. To top it off we had to prepare our own dinner. Shoto and I lit the fires for the cooking and we all chipped in cutting vegetables and meat to cook in the pot.

Class 1-B showed up from their own day of training looking just as bad. That didn't stop the quirk copier to be any less enthusiastic with his gloating about being better than our class. He prances up to where Deku and Shoto stand together stirring the pot of food.

"Did not realize that the prestigious class 1-A knew how to cook." Monoma taunts looking over at our creation with distaste. "Though y'all's could never compare to the perfections of our class."

"Tch" Katsuki glares at the mouthy blonde from our seat where we were chopping vegetables. I lean over and rub his back hoping to calm him before actually hurts the loud mouth.

"What do you say we have alittle competition? Winner-." He's cut off his spill when his red headed friend uses her mega hand quirk to knock him out cold. I snicker quietly as his body falls to the ground.

"Sorry about him." She apologizes grabbing his shirt and dragging him off "Enjoy your dinner."

"He's an asshole." I murmur while I continue cutting the carrots in front of me. Katsuki hums in agreement and we finish up cooking dinner. It was honestly really good considering that over half the class had no clue how to actually cook. After we finish eating we clean up and head to get ready for the well earned spa visit.

Wrapped in just our towels the girls and I head to our side of the spa. I walk to the edge of the water testing the warmth with my toes. Satisfied I toss my towel off and walk further into the hot water. I let out a sigh as the hot water works it's magic on my sore muscles. Finding a rock to sit against as the others find their own spots. Mina sits next me and we start a random conversation while the others have their own. Everything is relaxing and peaceful until the dreaded lisp voice of the worst classmate comes from the other side of the wooden wall separating the boys side from the girls.

"Just on the other side of this wall is heaven." The closeness of his voice indicating that his face is pressed against the wood. "Now I know what my quirk was made for."

"No fucking way." I say staring at the wall. I stand in the water extending my right arm towards the wall that I'm sure that little creep is crawling up. The other girls cover themselves as shouts from the other side tell us that he is actually stupid enough to climb the wall to look over.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Katsuki yells following the sound of explosions.

"As long as I can catch just one glimpse of the girls, I'll die happy!" Mineta shouts back. "So close just a alittle more."

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