Chapter 13

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Midoriya and I are standing by the entrance to the building. Bakugo and Iida were inside hiding the bomb that we were supposed to retrieve. Midoriya was fidgeting next to me.

"If you want to say something then say it" I say to the nervous boy. I smile over at him. "I won't bite. I promise"

"Y-yeah, I know. You were always kind to me. Even when I didn't deserve it." He says quietly. "I wanted to apologize for not telling you about my quirk. It's just that I can't really tell anyone about it. I really wanted to explain it to you."

I listen carefully to what he is saying to me. I understand more now and to be honest, I already forgave him. It's not place to be mad at him for keeping his secrets. I don't think any less of him either.

"I really hope I didn't lose our friendship. You are the first friend I've ever truly made. Someone who actually wanted to be my friend." He admits looking down at the ground.

My heart breaks alittle for the kid. I mean I get it. Growing up being the kids of the number two hero we never knew who were our real friends and who were fake. They were all fake. That's why I was really hoping to make true friends in this hero course. I do see Midoriya being a true friend. Im glad he is still interested in a friendship.

"Hmmm" I fake think, tapping my pointer finger on my chin. "I suppose I could forgive you....on one condition"

"Anything!" He perks up.

"You....have to let me play with your hair whenever I want!" I exclaim. He looks confused

"That's it?" He questions

"Yup" I say popping the p at the end.

"Deal!" He says happily. I laugh at his enthusiasm. "Can I-I hug you?"

"Of course!" I say embracing him. He hugs me back almost instantly. "I'm glad we are friends, Deku." I whisper into the crook of his neck. Squeezing him once more before letting go. "You ok? Are you ready for this?"

"Honestly? Not really. Kacchan really doesn't like me. Terrifies me, even" He tells me. I can see that but he has me and I won't let him get hurt. Poor kid is sweating through his costume. "plus both him and Iida are super strong and very smart."

"Hey, don't stress. I got your back." I say patting his back. "Besides this is graded training. He won't do nothing that will affect his grade." I hope "Plus with your smart thinking and my ice and fire we can win this together, no matter who we are facing."

He smiles over at me. I look back at him before examining his costume. Something about it seems familiar.

"All right let's begin!" Allmight a voice interrupts my thoughts. He starts the timer.

Midoriya suggests that we enter through a window instead of just walking through the front door.  I use my ice to make a stepping block for easier access. We crawl in and start looking around the first floor which is pretty much a maze.

"I don't have a lot of control over my quirk right now." He whispers to me. "I could easily really hurt someone if I use it incorrectly" I nod "so we are gonna try and rely on your quirks to win. There are a lot of blind spot so stay on guard"

I follow behind him keeping a sharp eye out. Following his command for the moment. 

Midoriya gasps yanking me out of the way just before Bakugo, who had jumped from the corner he apparently had been waiting from, tried landing a hit. His blast missed, hitting the wall where we had just been standing by. Midoriya face mask was torn in the process of protecting me.

"Are you ok?" He asks, worried.

"Yeah. I'm fine. You?" I ask pointing at his face.

"It's just my mask I'm fine." He says scooting protectively in front of me. Bakugo clears the smoke with a wave of his bulky arm.

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