Chapter Eight

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No. No! I'm late! That took longer than I thought. This is already starting off great. I run through the halls of UA searching for the correct classroom.

I finally spot it. Wow that's a huge door. I slide the door open in a rush and barge through. Out of breath I fall to the floor.

"Shit, sorry I'm late." I say standing up moving my hair out of my face. That's when I get a good look at the teacher and let out a sigh of relief. "Oh it's just you, Aizawa. I thought I was in trouble." I laugh. As normal he looks exhausted.

"Nice of you to join us, (Y/N)." Giving me a pointed look. Ok I might be in trouble.

"Sorry, it took longer than I thought getting that paper you wanted" he looks at me slightly confused as I hand him the paper I take out of my bag. His look changes in an instant as he reads over it.

"Right, of course." He says, taking a pen and signing the paper. Handing it back to me he whispers "Good job, I'm so proud of you." I bask in his praise cause it's so rare from him.

I smile brightly, "Thank you, Aizawa."

"Now, take a seat so we can continue class." He says tiredly "you can take the seat in front of Bakugo. It's the only vacant one." He gestures lazily towards the familiar scowling blonde.

With a smirk on my face I head to the seat. Glancing around the room I find my brother. Oh geez he looks pissed. I send him an apologetic look and continue to my seat. So I'm guessing the constant flow of texts I received while running here was him. Though I'm not surprised. As I get to my seat I notice Midoriya sitting behind Bakugo. I wave to him instantly.

"Hey, Deku!" I whisper "Nice to see you again" to which he smiles nodding in agreement. Taking note of the blush I have come to enjoy so much. Though not as much as the glare I receive from the firecracker in front of him. I could live for that scowl. I give him a sly smile slipping into my seat.

Aizawa is explaining uh something. Something I'm having a hard time focusing on cause of the hot breath against the back of my neck.

"I see you finally showed up, huh?" He whispers. The tone of his voice sending a shiver down my spine. "You like keeping me waiting for your ass, don't you?"

"You were waiting for me again?" I whisper back not turning. "How sweet. Do I get another reward?" I smile glancing at him from the corner of my eye. I see him smirk.

"Nah you were late. Naughty girls don't get rewards." He replies. I can literally hear him smiling. "They get punished" he finishes leaning back. My breath hitches.

What the heck does that mean? Why does that sound exciting to me? The way his voice hit every nerve in my body has me wanting to be late everyday for the rest of my life.

Aizawa announces for us to get changed into our gym clothes and head out to the field. Alright! Starting right off. I expect nothing less from him.
He dismisses us and everyone gets up heading towards the door. Walking towards the door I feel Bakugo fall in step with me. He doesn't say anything. Giving me time to appreciate and admire him. He's at least head taller than me. Lean but definitely know that it's all muscle. His ash blonde hair spiky has me wondering if it's natural or if he styles it that way. I could just reach out and—

"(Y/N)" my brothers voice prevents me from possibly getting my hand bit off by an angry Bakugo. I stop and turn towards him. "Come on, let's go" he says guiding me away from the pissed looking boy. I'm starting to think that's just his natural face.

We walk to the locker rooms and go our separate way to get changed. Shouto didn't say a word to me the whole way. It has me on edge. Shouto has been mad at me only a handful of times and it's not a position I like to be in. He can give one hell of a cold shoulder. Pun intended.

I finish getting dressed in the slightly too tight outfit. Damn it am I gaining weight? Great. I look around and notice some of the other girls glancing down at theirs as well. Well atleast it's not just me. I take note of all the girls in there. Taking a deep breath I approach the closest girl. A pink skin girl with matching pink hair. Two pretty horns sticking out. It was her eyes that got my attention. Yellow but black where the white is supposed to be. They were mesmerizing. She was definitely gorgeous. I put on my smile and reach my hand out to her.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N) Todoroki." She looks at me with a matching smile forgetting my hand and going straight in for a hug. Oh this is nice.

"Hi (Y/N)! I'm Mina Ashido." She releases me from the hug. "That's your twin right? The guy that looks like you?"

"Yeah, that's my brother, Shouto." I reply as the other girls go around introducing themselves. They all seem pretty nice. After we are finished getting dressed we head out to the field where the others have all gathered.

I find Shouto again and walk up to stand next to him. I look up at him, tugging on his shirt sleeve to get his attention. He looks down at me with a blank stare. I gulp, well here it goes. "I'm sorry, I know I said I'd be here on time. I know you're mad at me." I look down at the ground.

I feel him place his hand on my head. Slightly petting it. "I'm not mad at you." He says. I look up at him seeing his eyes back to that caring look I know he reserves just for me.

"Then why weren't you talking to me?" I ask as he reaches down and pulls my tie off my wrist. Stepping behind me.

He starts gathering my hair up into a pony tail as he explains "it wasn't you, I had a bit of a disagreement with another student this morning and it's been on my mind" I tense, oh no. It couldn't be right? What problems would they have with each other?

"Oh yeah? About what?" I ask cautiously. He finishes with my hair and turns me around to look at him. Inspecting his work. His eyes then meet mine.

"He mistook me for you." He says flatly. Yikes.

"Wow, how does that happen? I mean we look alike but there is very clear differences" I say gesturing at my very womanly body to his well built man bod. A little hurt that Bakugo could possibly confuse us.

"That's not exactly my point, (Y/N)" he says with a hint of irritation. This is not gonna end well I can already tell. "How does some foul mouth rowdy delinquent know you?"

"Mmmm" shit. First impressions are the greatest. Great going Bakago. "You remember that boy I told you I saved at the practical ex—?"

"No" he interjects walking away. Damn it! He walks straight towards Bakugo. "That's not happening at all."

"Sho, stop!" I grab his arm trying and failing to pull him back. "Can we not do this now please?" I beg. This is so bad and so embarrassing. Our class is beginning to stare. Worst of all our little tug of war has gained the man of the hour attention as well.

He looks at my mortified face to my brothers pissed off one. The hint of confusion turns to a smirk as it clicks what's happening. Not helping. It only seems to fuel Shouto's anger.

"Please! Please, I'm begging you not to cause a scene." I whisper beg. "For me please! I'll never be able to live this down if you continue, please Sho Sho"

Thankfully he stops. He turns and looks at me. He sighs "fine but it's a hard no, (N/N). You can do better and you deserve better." He pats my head and walks the opposite direction of the still grinning Bakugo. I shot him a glare letting him know I'm not pleased. He doesn't seem to care. Neither do I honestly. I let out a sigh glad to things didn't escalate. Without giving him a second glance I turn and walk towards an unamused teacher.

"Getting into trouble so soon, (Y/N)?" Aizawa asks not looking at me. This man may seem like he doesn't care but I know different. I'm closer to him than any of the other teachers. He has been there more than my own father has.

"Not intentionally." I say cringing a little thinking about how bad this situation could go. He laughs.

"Good luck with that. Wouldn't want to be you." He smirks finally looking down at me. I roll my eyes.

"Geez thanks, Dad. You're so much help." I sarcastically retort. Earning me a snort from him.

"Hey I'm just here to enjoy the show. I'm not paid enough to figure out y'all brats problems." He says.

"Yeah yeah, go and do what you are paid to do then" I respond walking off to stand by myself which is better in my opinion. The jerk of a teacher is still slightly smirking as he begins the testing. This is gonna be a long year.

Unwanted (Katsuki & female reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora