Chapter Four

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Taking down the bots were fairly easy. Some of the teachers would let me practice on them during the times I would be here. Father would often forget I was here so I would have to have one of the other heroes to bring me back home. Using my ice to glide and jump around and my fire to either over heat or blast through the bots I take them down with ease. I'm actually enjoying myself. Im not really keeping up with my score but I am confident that I'm doing well.

I round the corner to see a- well an interesting sight. That blonde spiky hair boy literally blasting through bots. He is actually really amazing. Especially the way he yells "die" right before he takes down another bot. I can't help but laugh, which he notices.

"Heh you like that, dumbass?" He laughs wiping his mouth. "You're looking at the future number one hero!" He shouts. His back is to the bot that he just destroyed. It starts to fall. Towards him!

"HEY! LOOK OUT!" I jump and push him away, throwing up an ice wall shielding us from getting crushed. "You really need to pay more attention to your surroundings. I can't always be there to save you"

I look over at him on the ground, shock plastered on his face. I reach my hand towards him.

"Hey sorry I didn't mean to push you down. I just didn't want you getting hurt." I smile. He snaps out of his shock and slaps my hand away.

He gets up, hateful look returns to his face, "I didn't need your help, extra" Extra? I brush off his death glare. It's not scary, I've definitely seen worse. If anything it adds to his handsome features. The buzzer sounds signaling that the test is over. I really hope I got enough points.

"Yeah, sure. Anyway. I'm (Y\N) Todoroki." I say reaching out my hand once again. He looks at it almost suspiciously before roughly accepting it.

"Tch, the names Katsuki Bakugo, princess." He says with a smirk.

I release his hand with a giggle. "Princess? More like knight and shining armor. Since I'm always saving you, princess." I laugh again turning and walking away noticing the light blush tinting his handsome face before he erupts into anger.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY,  BRAT?!" He yells "I'LL KILL YOU!" I roll my eyes, smiling. I wave back at him as I head to the locker room to clean up. I swore I saw actual smoke coming out of his ears. Heh, he's fun.

I grab my bag out of the locker and get ready for the shower. As I get in, my thoughts wonder over the events of the day. I hope that green haired boy did well. I really want to show him to Shouto. I hope I did well enough for father to let me attend. I think back to the last year. All the little changes I made. The extra "training" I've been doing. I hate lying to Shouto but he can't know what I'm doing. If father found out he would take it all away. Honestly I could have got in to UA with other recommendations besides my father. Hell, Im even on a friend level with the principal of the school. Doing it on my own though feels better, not that my father would allow anyone else to recommend me anyway.

I sigh getting out of the shower, drying off and getting dressed. Surprised at how empty it is. I guess everyone just went straight home afterwards. I'm not in that big of a rush to get home. If I drag my feet long enough, father would be gone to work by the time I get back. Shouto will worry though if I'm too late. Brushing my hair, I walk out of the locker room and right into a solid chest.
"Hey, watch out!" The person growls. I've already learned to recognize that angry voice. I look up to see the freshly cleaned spiky blonde hair boy staring down at me. The boys locker room is in another hall way so what is he doing over here? And I was the only one in the

"Were you waiting for me?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow. He glares down at me.

"Of course not, idiot" he huffs. That small blush is back on his face as he turns away from me.

"Is that so?" I smirk at his back. He turns back towards me scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Well, yeah I was. I had something I wanted to say to you."  He says. Each word sounding forced. Well he definitely has my full attention now. I motion for him to continue. He looks like he's really struggling to form his words as he mumbles under his breath. I step closer to him to try to hear better. Granted we were pretty close to begin with. He seemed shocked by the action but his next move shocked both of us.

He moves quick, pushing me against the door. I gasp as the air is knocked out of me from the force. I look up at him hovering over me, my heart pounding in my chest as I look into his blood red eyes. He's staring at me with such intensity that it is causing my skin to burn. I'm sure my face looks like a tomato. What is he doing? I steal a glance towards his lips. Is he gonna kiss me? Do I want him to kiss me? His lips definitely look kissable. Not that I have any experience in that. I see a smirk form on those amazing lips and I look back up into his eyes. I gulp, this is really happening.

He leans down and presses his lips to mine. My wide eyes close as I return his surprisingly soft kiss. His hand reaches up to grasp the back of my head, pulling me deeper into the kiss. My hands go to his chest, where I instantly feel the shape of his muscles through his thin shirt. Oh god! They are amazing! It really should be illegal for someone to be this attractive. He chuckles, biting my lower lip gently before pulling back.

"You like feeling me up, huh?" He laughs as my hands stay on his chest feeling every inch of it. He doesn't push me away so I don't stop.

"Yeah, I really do" I say plainly completely focused on his chest. Then I realize what I'm doing and jump back "Oh god I'm so sorry!" What the hell is wrong with me? I was literally just groping a stranger.

"I didn't mind. I felt nice." He says nervously slight bush on his face.

"W-what was that for anyway?" I managed to let out. How in the world did I end up in this position?

"Um well you have helped me twice already and err I don't like anyone having anything over me so I came to say erm..T-Thanks I guess." He struggles out. I'm shocked, he doesn't seem like the type to say thank you. I smile.

"Well, if that's the reward I get for saving you then I'm gonna save you more often." I smirked up at him. Watching him forget all about his previous struggles.

"Like hell! I'll be saving your dumbass from now on!" He yells back. Placing his hand on my waist slightly tugging. Almost like asking permission to pull me closer. I allow him to pull me to him. Our bodies pressed together. "And I'll be getting the reward of kissing these sweet lips" he says as he presses another kiss to my lips. My arms wrap around his neck and I lean up on my toes trying to get as close as possible. He bites my bottom lip again causing me to gasp and he takes the opportunity to enter his tongue and explore my mouth. Having no idea of what I'm doing I just mirror his movements. I'm so lost in the heat of the kiss that the rest of the world fades. Not even knowing how long the kiss lasts as we break away for much needed air. I was already missing the feel of his lips on mine. Still pressed together trying to regaining our breathing, he presses his forehead against mine and pulling me even closer to him. Realization snaps me back to reality.

"Shit, I got to go or I'm gonna be in trouble."  I say as I pull back alittle. He doesn't seem pleased with my actions but doesn't stop me. I lean up on my tippy toes to place a gentle kiss on his jaw near his ear and whisper "I really hope I see you again soon." I pull back in time to just barely catch his flustered face before he's smirking again.

"Tch you better get into UA, idiot!" He retorts removing his hands from my waist as I start walking towards the exit.

"I'll see you there" I yell back with wink. I nearly skip to the train station with a smile on my face. I can't believe that just happened. I sigh as I sink into the seat. It was already pretty late so it wasn't crowded. Not that I would even notice. I was too lost in reminiscing about that kiss. I add yet another reason to get into UA to my ever growing list as I walk up to my front door. Who knew that a simple kiss could make me forget about the dread of life behind this door. Smiling I open and walk through the door, wishing to hold on to this strand of happiness as long as I could.

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