28. Baby Girl

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One baby girl is another addition to their family this Chinese New Year.

Grandpa, Jake, Richard and Blair. All of them gather up in Tristan's home this year. The butler has joined because his old master asked him to come.

The grandpa asks, "Why not ask the baby mother to feed her breast milk?"

Axell stares to Tris' flat chest. He shakes his head.

He comments, "Gramps, it's impossible. Tris can't..."

"I'm a man after all."

Richard asks, "Did you really give birth to her?"

He is holding her great niece. The baby is smiling to him, showing her toothless gum.

Tristan nods his head. His face reddened. They must have thought he's a weirdo. Giving birth to a baby girl.

Richard glances to Blair.

He asks curiously," How did you do it? Share the secret with us. I wanna have my own kids too."

Blair gives him a deadly glare.

He curses, "Give birth on your own."

Axell chuckles. He sits between Richard and Blair to ease the tension. He snatches his baby girl from his uncle.

He comments, "Tris got a special constitution. It isn't possible for ordinary man to give birth."

The grandpa nods his head. Thinking his grandson in law is intersex guy. Someone like that is rare. His gay grandson is blessed. At least he could have his own kids.

Grandpa says," She's very smart. Born before Chinese New Year. I have a special red package for her."

The butler takes out a can of baby formula milk from his bag.

Grandpa comments, "Use it wisely. Had to trade a crate of red wine and a box of cigars for it."

Tristan says immediately, "Thank you, grandpa."

"Find more milk for her. Don't let my great granddaughter starved."

"I know. I will rob a mall tomorrow morning. Searching for baby milk."

Grandpa nods his head. He glances at Tristan. He seems a good young man. A sensible one.

He asks, "Good grandson. When are you two getting married?"

Axell and Tristan are staring each others. They have just starting dating.

Grandpa protests, "A baby has been born. Time to tie the knot. She shouldn't be born outside wedlock."

"Grandpa, we hadn't discussed it yet."

"What's to discuss? A baby needs a stable home."

Richard chimes in immediately, "Agreed. Let's make it double wedding."

He winks an eye to Blair. His lover pretends to look at the baby.

Jake asks sourly, "Where is my red package?"

"Here," says Blair.

Blair offers him two chocolate bars. Richard's adopted son gives him a good hug out of happiness. Jake really wishes he would be his foster mom.

Richard only gives him three tickets to eat in Army canteen. Earning angry glare from Jake. The boy always got ticket meals in daily basis. His uncle is too lazy to find him a special gift.

His grandpa gives him a children book.

Axell gives him a metal car. The color is stainless and a bit crude looking. It was made from scraps. He made it himself.

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