Chapter 20

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"Hawaii and Michigan, go." Aliana told the other two freelancers, and they took off. "Sky, are you ready for this?"

We had snuck onto the MoI, and now we were headed for the Director. I nodded, taking a deep breath. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Explosions were heard and Ali and I headed towards the Director's office. This was it. This was the end of everything.

This was the end of all those times he'd tried to kill me. The end of his brainwashing. The end of his treacherous AI idea. The end of Project Freelancer.

Then I remembered all might not go as planned. One of us could die, and that would be that. I wouldn't have the strength to move on if my sister really did die. It would be all over if that happened.

"Be careful, okay?" I said as we neared closer to our destination.

Ali nodded, but it slowly, as if she wasn't so sure either of us could be careful enough. We reached the office, and I gripped the handle. I look at Aliana for the ready signal, and she nodded. I swung open the door and glared daggers at the Director.

"Hello. We've come to end this." I growled loudly, and then shoved my helmet on my head.

Guards that protected the Director ran at me, and at this point Aliana had joined me in the action. I flipped in the air, landed and then punched a guard, then pivoted and kicked another.

I yelled and kicked another in the gut, my teeth clenched. After ten more seconds, the guards were cleared out.
Ali and I stared down the Director.

"Ahhh. Missouri and Alaska. How nice of you to drop by. Coffee?" The Director said sarcastically, taking a sip from his own coffee.

"We're not here for a sit down," Aliana snapped.

"Oh, I would've never guessed. Brave, you two are. I reckon Michigan and Hawaii are part of your 'Destroy Project Freelancer' plan as well, are they not?" He took another sip of his coffee.

"Yeah, they are. And they're taking care of the other freelancers while we take care of you." I told him, dangerously quiet.

The Director smiled, and out of nowhere, he pulled a pistol. Immediately he shot at me, and it hit me in the chest. He fired twice more before Aliana tackled him, and I fell to the ground.
---Agent Missouri's POV---

I punched him several times in the face before he shoved me off him, an pointed his gun at me.

"SHOOT ME. I. DONT. CARE. ILL DIE WITH HER." I screamed, and I glanced at my sister, who's chest didn't rise and fall like normal. Tears streamed down my face.

"Don't let him, Ali..." My sister croaked quietly. "Live for me, please." I heard her cough, and then she said nothing. I looked back at my sister.

"You'll come back in the project. I'll say we faked your death so you could get more training. You will tell no one about what happened after your fake death. You may report to the agents of your sister's death at your own pace, but you will say she died outside of this place, and that I informed of what happened to her. You will tell them you've come back for her, and will carry on we legacy. After all, she wants you to, right?" The Director sniggered.

I just glared at him. "If you want me dead, why are you making me come back in?"

The Director grinned. "Because your failed attempts to defeat me are amusing. And each time, I'll watch you try, fail, and then I'll watch you suffer."
"W-What...?" Washington trembled, his eyes suddenly full of sorrow.

"I thought I should tell you first. She told me you and her were together." I continued. "You deserved to know."

Hawaii stomped and sat down next to Washington, not touching his food.

"Why didn't you stop the Director from shooting her?" Wash asked quietly.

"I couldn't. He was too quick. I'm sorry." I said, and I put my head down, silently sobbing.

I heard Wash get up and leave the table, and watched as he made his way to his dorm. His shoulders sagged and
His footsteps were slow and heavy.

The Director was wrong. My next attempt at trying to defeat him would succeed. I'd make sure it would.

I looked at Hawaii, and he didn't look away from me. He just slowly turned his hand into a fist, leaned it to the side, and gave me a thumbs up.

I finished it. This is the end of Project Freelancer: Alaska, guys. :3 Yay. first
Book I've ever finished. 20 chapters was kind of short though... but eh, whatever.

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