Chapter 14

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"Hey, having a bit of trouble there, Lask?!?" York called as I flung myself behind a pillar.

"Not really, actually!" I called back, jumping over the pillar I was behind and shooting him five times. As I landed quickly I noticed I'd only missed one shot. Booyah.

People weren't as afraid anymore. Id stop a potential death, and that was probably enough evidence for them to know I wasn't a murderer.

"You having a bit of trouble?" I asked, stopping at a pillar next to him. He grumbled and stay silent for a second.

"Yes..." he said quietly.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you."

"I SAID YES." York yelled.

"Crap." I said, as I realized that brought others to me location. I turned and bolted past pillars, stopping at the edge of the forest of the structures.

"Where are you now, Laska." Arizona.

"Truce!?!?" Florida.


"Sh*t." Florida again.

"Sky, come on. Let's go." Aliana. Wait... what?

Gunshots. Stinging, burning pain. Paint spreading. Gunshots. Pain. Blood.

My vision flashed white for a second and I found myself frozen to the spot. "What..."

"Okay, okay, I'm coming." That sounded like... me...

No. Not now. Not here. Not around these people. Not where the Director could see everything clearly. No. Curse you Kappa.

My vision flashed again and I could see my surroundings as well as hear them. Faintly, I could hear FILLIS ending the training round.

"Round Over. Point Arizona. Next round, hand to hand."

"They gave us code names." Aliana started. "They said they'd tell us what they picked out when we got to wherever we're headed."

I forced myself to come back to reality. The paint loosened, and eventually disappeared.

I shook myself. The memory nagged at me, and I kept on pushing it away, knowing that I would have to leave before something bad happened that I couldn't control.

"FILLIS, please take me off the scores at the moment. I.... I'm not feeling too good." I said.

"Alright, Agent Alaska. Get better soon." FILLIS replied.

I left the training room, and bolted for my dorm. When I reached it I stepped inside, closed the door, and locked it. Then I laid on my bed, and let the memory take over.

"How long is the ride?" I asked my sister.

"Not too long they said. And I've done some studies in school on this type of travel. This is called a Pelican." Aliana responded.

"I know what it's called, stupid." I said.

Aliana smiled. "It can travel at extremely fast speeds, usually used to travel far distances in a few hours. Where we're headed is either in deep space, on the moon, or below it."

"Okay... So basically you don't really know how long?"

Aliana opened her mouth the say something smart back, but couldn't find the words or something.

I frowned. Great. So we could be stuck in this plane for who knows how lo-

"This is Four-Seven-Niner, we are approaching the landing bay." I suddenly heard the pilot say.

"We're below the moon." Aliana said. "At least we're not too far from home..."

"Don't talk about home. It's best if we try to forget." I suggested.

"Right... Yeah... You're right." She replied.

And she was suppose to be the smart one.

The pelican landed and the pilot glanced back at us. "Alright ladies, you may now exit the aircraft." She said.

I smiled and left the Pelican, emerging into some kind of large room. I looked for an entrance and saw a man in tan armor approaching.

"Hello, and welcome to the MoI!" He exclaimed.

"Will you just call it the proper name, York?" Another man in purple and green armor asked, just starting to head towards us.

"But MoI is so much more fun to say!" The tan armored man argued.

Aliana and I watched as the two men fought over a name of something... probably the name of this base. At least, that's all I could think of. Context clues. But in real life. Think it's still called context clues... whatever.

I shot any sister a look with my eyebrow raised and a slight smile, and she grinned at me. This might be easy to get used to. It was just like our cousins... before they died.

"Alright," The purple armored guy began again, ignoring the tan armored man who was laughing in his victory.

"Welcome to the Mother of Invention. I am Agent North Dakota, and This is Agent New York. We heard two new agents were coming, and that must be you guys. Do you know your state names yet?"

Aliana and I both shook our heads.

"Do you mind telling us your real names? We'll call you by your state names when you get them, but for now we need something to call you two." North Dakota said.

"I'm Aliana, and this is Sky." Aliana said for us, and I smiled politely at the two older men.

"You look quite young, Sky. How old are you?" New York asked me.

I wasn't tall. I was short and skinny, and I had long and wavy brown hair. My blue eyes still sparkled with young innocence, and I looked him straight in the eye. "15. But I'm only here because my sister wouldn't leave me by myself. I might get a code name, but I won't be doing anything like they said Ali would be doing, I don't think."

New York nodded in understanding. I kept smiling.

"Pretty young." he said. "You good at fighting?"

I shrugged. "I took a few self defense lessons. Know how to shoot a gun. I can do a few flips. I don't know about fighting another person in an all out battle though."

New York nodded again. "Well, I think the Director requested to see you two. We were sent here to escort you to him. So let's go."

I grabbed Aliana's hand. This place seemed welcoming, but you never knew. She smiled back at me, and we followed Agents North Dakota and New York to an office.

"Here you are." North Dakota said, an he held the door open for us.

"Thank you." My sister and I said at the same time, and we entered the room.

A man stood in front of a board, his back to us.

"Good afternoon, Agent Missouri and Agent Alaska."

I woke up normally, and stared at my ceiling. Then a thought hit me. If these were my memories, and my sister came to Project Freelancer with me... Then where is she now?

Project Freelancer: AlaskaWhere stories live. Discover now