Chapter 13

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'GOD THAT WAS AWKWARD.' I thought silently as I reached my room. 'Also, I need to check the leaderboard. Wow. That was off topic. And when was I so interested in the leaderboard? I AM LIKE RAMEN NOODLES. YOU DONT KNOW WHERE A NOODLE LEADS CAUSE THERES TOO MANY. Chicken flavor too, because I'm a fudging scaredy cat.'

'I can't even keep up with your thoughts right now, Agent Alaska.' Kappa said.

'I wouldn't be surprised.'

I still couldn't get over the facts that Wash kissed me, I still haven't died from the Director, Maine almost killed me, and my sudden curiosity about the leaderboard only made my thoughts MORE like ramen noodles.

'Alright, I'm probably just tired.' I told myself, even though Kappa was probably still listening.

'Then go to bed.' Kappa suggested.

There it was. He's always eavesdropping, whether I'm talking to myself or someone else.

'Im not stupid, what did you think I was gonna do, go out to eat at two o'clock in the morning?'

'Well, no. But, you go insane when you're tired. And you haven't slept much in the last few days. I'm just afraid with everything going on in your head.... you'll forget about what's necessary.' Kappa said.

''All that's going on in my head'? It's just a few thoughts, Kappa. Unless you know something I don't. But you wouldn't keep anything from me, right?' I asked.

Kappa didn't respond.

'Kappa.... what's going on?'

Still no response.


'Alaska. I am so very sorry.' He finally answered.


'I unlocked your memories of the past because I was curious. It did some trauma to your brain. When you went on the thruster mission, the voices you heard were of your past. And last night, I attempted to unlock more, without realizing what happened the first time. Only just now have I realized what trouble I've caused. Alaska, you're going to be reliving the past for a while. And it's possible that one day, you might not come out of it.'


"Sky, we have to leave them. These people said they can help us." Aliana said, looking me in the eye.

"Sis, they're recruiting us for soldiers in their project." I objected. "I'm too young for that!"

"You'll be fine. They said they would take you in with me." She said, her grip on my arm not faltering.

I sighed and glanced at our dead parents on the floor. How did these people know exactly when our parents died? It was quite suspicious to me.

"But...." I couldn't argue. She was my big sister. She was the only one left in my family, and she was older than me. She had power over me.

Aliana kept staring at me.

"We'll be fine." She said.

"LIES, ALL LIES!" I screamed as I jerked up in my bed, sweating.

"That was part of it." Kappa said, appearing in front of me.

"Part of what- oh yeah....." I replied.

"It only gets worse from there on. That was a earlier memory. There's more to come. I am truly sorry, Sky." Kappa told me.

"You should be." I growled as I got up to put on my armor.

"Please forgive me." Kappa begged.

"I'll think about it." I replied. "If it gets worse than my parents dying, which is now really getting to me, then it's gonna take a while for me to forgive you." I said, leaving my room.

When I opened the door, I heard an oof. I slammed it behind me and looked to see who it was. The new guy, California.

"Hi." I said.

"Hello." He replied, standing. "Do you know where I can sit without being bothered? I would like to be able to sit, and think of strategies."

"Ummm... yeah, there's a place down that hallway, just after Maine's dorm. It's an empty room in case other new people come." I replied.

"Alright. Thank you." California replied, and he headed toward it.

I nodded and started off again. Maybe I could train? No... not without permission from the Director...

'Ask him.' Kappa suggested.

'Shut up stupid hologram.' I snapped, and he immediately went away.

"Good riddance..." I mumbled.

Arizona rounded the corner.

"Alaska!" She yelled. "South is going crazy! She and Carolina are in some kind of battle, and not training! It's with live ammo!"

I raised my eyebrows. Maybe I could calm them down. Nobody deserved to die. Especially not because of someone else's rage. Unless the one you were going to kill was the Director. Then go right ahead.

I followed her down the halls of the MoI, and found myself in a hall where some freelancers had stopped to stare and watch. I ducked as a bullet flew over me, and Arizona moved to the side.

"Hey!" I yelled. I need to talk. I needed to stop this. This was not okay.

South didn't stop, and neither did Carolina. Finally, I found the bravery to stand and shove South into a wall on the right, and Carolina to the wall on the left.

"STOP. SOMEONE IS GONNA GET KILLED. JUST STOP. If your family was here, not just us as family, but your blood family, what would they think? Would they say: 'Man! That was awesome!' Or would they reply with: 'I wish she would of chosen the right path.'? What about your brother, South. He's probably disappointed in the way you act over ranking and numbers. Carolina, what about York? I'm sure he doesn't approve of your behavior either. Also, step your game up buddy or you aren't getting anywhere." I said, glancing at him.

Carolina wasn't looking at me. Instead, she was staring at the ground. South, however, just turned and walked past a few other freelancers, purposefully bumping into them.

I watched as Carolina turned an left too, but a bit slower.

"Alaska, your punishment is over. You may speak." The Director's voice said from behind me. I turned and saw him standing with his hands behind his back. "Well done."

I nodded. "Thank you, sir."

The Director said no more, and turned and left.

What would happen if he found out? If he knew what I was going through now. Would he send me on another suicide mission? Would he just kill me, no matter the consequences?

I don't know. And I don't think I want to.

Project Freelancer: AlaskaWhere stories live. Discover now