Chapter 6

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My hands shook and my DMR fell to the floor with a load clatter. I was choking on the air I breathed and I coughed.

Mississippi just laid there, her chest rising and falling slowly. I kept backing away, not wanting to feel responsible for what had happened to her.

I turned and flew for the door, my legs slamming against the ground as I burst into the hall.

Quickly turning on my heels to my dorm, I ran faster, nearing the door that read Alaska in bold letters above the handle.

I was three steps away from the comfort of my lonely room when I tripped on a loose floor board. I flew forward, landing in front of Michigan's room.

The door swung open, hitting me in the side and sending me sliding across the metal floor.

I scrambled to my feet, an rushed to my door. I fumbled for the doorknob, but my hands were too shaky.

I turned and saw York and North running toward me. I couldn't tell if they were angry, or just wanting to tell me it was okay, but I didn't want to find out.

I kept trying to open the door, but it resulted in nothing. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I kept on attempting to get into the safe room.

I finally gave up, and threw off my helmet in frustration. I put my head in my hands and sobbed.

I heard the other freelancers come and surround me, but I didn't want to listen to a word they had to say. All I managed to whisper back to them was, "I'm sorry. It was an accident."

Someone helped me up and walked me down the hall. I think it was York. I couldn't tell.

My vision was blurred by tears, and my side ached in pain. I started to recognized where I was as I got used to the blurry way I was seeing.

The Director's office was right in front of us. The one who had helped me sat me down, and walked in. I managed to over hear a bit of their conversation. It was definitely York.

"She hurt Mississippi, sir. She says it was an accident, but we know those two were always enemies." York said. "I want to believe she wouldn't do anything like this, sir, I really do, but in a situation like this I can't be sure who's right and who's wrong."

"Take her back to her room. Give her time to think about her actions. I will speak to her later." The Director responded.

York walked out and held out a hand to help me, but I shoved it away and got up by myself. I started walking back to my room by myself, leaving York watching me.

"Kappa." I said and the little A.I. popped up.

"Yeah?" he said.

"You know it was an accident, right?" I asked him.

"Some part of you tells me that you forgot to get the training bullets because a part of you wanted to. Alaska I'm not entirely sure you didn't mean to hurt her."

Kappa told me.

I opened the door to my dorm and walked in, taking my armor off and putting on some shorts and a tank top. I curled up in my bed and fell asleep, which hopefully, would be dreamless. I have no such luck.

Project Freelancer: AlaskaWhere stories live. Discover now