Chapter 2: uploading...

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I decided I would record the song for the competition after I'd had some breakfast so I went downstairs where I found my mum boiling some eggs, she heard me come down the stairs, "Hey honey did you sleep well?" She knew it was me because were the only two in the house who wake up before 9am on holidays or weekends my brothers and dad love to sleep in all the time.
"Yeah I did thanks ma" I replied sitting down at the table.

She brings over a plate with a cracked egg and some soldiers(if you don't know what they are they're like sticks of toast that you dip in egg yolks) "thanks" I begin to tuck in when my oldest brother tony comes downstairs, he's a transgender guy and also bisexual, he's also really kind unless you hurt him or his family.
"Morning ma"
"Morning tony, your breakfast we'll be ready soon" tony joins me at the table.
"How's my little brother doing" he leans over and ruffles my hair
"Oi lay off I'm trying eat here"
"Alright chill out" we both laugh at the mild banter, we all love each other here so it's always a joke whenever we sound harsh towards each other.

After a little while Cole and Nathaniel came downstairs, Cole was the younger middle child at 16, he was bisexual and well built, he could be a rough but he was generally a caring guy and Nathaniel was the youngest at 15, like me he was gay but he had curly brown hair and often had some kind of cool makeup design on him somewhere, today he had drawn a skeletal hand over his own and painted his nails black. Each of us had a creative talent. I could sing, Nathaniel could do amazing make up, Cole was an amazing artist and Tony loved to write.

The front door opened and my dad walked in, he worked nights so we didn't see much of him but he genuinely cared about us and that's all we could ask for. He went over and kissed our mother who was just about done making breakfast for all of us and herself, she's very old fashioned and insists on doing all the cooking in the house but that's probably because none of us have a cooking bone in our bodies, last time coke tried to cook something he ended up looking like coal.

After we had all finished my mum gave us all a quick kiss on the cheek and headed off for work, she was a news reporter so we all made sure to watch her when we could.

I decided to go upstairs and record my entry for the competition so I set up my microphone and tripod and began to sing, I decided to sing imagination as it was my all time favourite song of Shawns even though it was one of the earlier songs he wrote. When I was done I did a bit of editing to the video to make it more exciting and uploaded it and went on with my day.

Time skip

I couldn't believe my eyes when I checked the
video later that night, ONE MILLION VIEWS!!!

A/N thank you for reading, I won't be posting chapters daily but I'll post whenever I get time as I'm not good at keeping to schedules 😅 but I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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