Chapter 7: happiest day of my life

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It was time. Chelsea and I had been picking outfits all day so I'd look perfect for tonight. Finally, we settled on a slightly oversized black shirt with white buttons and a pair of blue denim trousers and of course my favourite black converse shoes. After a quick shower and Chelsea covering my face in light make-up so, "my skin looked perfect." I was ready and the doorbell rang.

Chelsea and I began panicking I'm my room from nerves, butterflies filled my stomach as I heard my mum invite him in.
"Come in Y/n will be down in just a minute."
Chelsea grabbed my head that was shaking like a maniac.
"Get it together y/n, you go down there and sparkle like the star you are" she tapped my cheek quickly and practically pushed me out the door and down the stairs.

I composed my body but there was no composure in my mind, I wanted to chew my nails off but I managed to walk into the living room with some sense of normality about me.
"Hi!" I glance at Shawn who's jaw practically hits the floor. I start to panic when he doesn't say anything and just keeps stating, I wasn't wearing anything special. Was there something on my face? Do I look like a clown? Am I hideous?
"You look stunning" he finally says breaking the awkward silence. A rush of relief flows over me.

"You look gorgeous dear" my mum says smiling at me.
"Thanks mum" my face shifts into a big smile.
"Go on you two off you go, it's time for your date" Chelsea almost ushers us out the door. I hop into Shawn's awesome car and wave to my family as we drive off.

The first part of the ride is a little quiet so I ask to put some music on and Shawn says sure as long as it isn't any of his songs, I don't know why he said that but but I agreed nonetheless. I put on maniac by Conan gray and Shawn immediately begins tapping his hands on the steering wheel to the beat. We exchange glances and smile as the chorus comes up, almost like we had made a mutual telepathic agreement to belt out the lyrics at the top of our lungs.

Shawn and I respect this process every time the chorus comes up and proceed to sing each an every song that comes on. After about 20 minutes we'd reached the destination. Shawn had parked in this small parking spot that's apparently close to where we are going. He asks if I'll where a blindfold do it's a surprise and for some reason I can't explain I fully trusted him and agreed. He guided me across what felt like tarmac for a short while before stopping and asking.
"You ready?"
"Yes of course" he lifted the blindfolded off my eyes and the most beautiful view covered my eyes. (*see cover photo*).

We were at the edge of a cliff road that had metal railings all around with picnic benches at the end like in the old movies. One of the benches had a white tablecloth and was lit by candles and decorated with flowers. I almost ran over and examined all the picnic foods that were laid out; sandwiches, fruit, pie and so much more.
"Did you prepare all this?!" I ask in shock and excitement.
"Yeah. Do you like it?"
"Like it? I love it!" A large smile crossed Shawn's face as we sat at either end of the bench.
"Dig in"

The food was divine and Shawn and I had talked for what seemed like minutes but were actually hours. The sun had nearly completely set and the food was almost gone. A light breeze blew out the candles and Shawn and I just giggled. When we stopped he looked up and into my eyes, I looked back into his. We both leaned across the table and our lips met. They were so soft it was like kissing an angel. After we had separated a range of emotions flooded over me, all good emotions. We stared at each other for a what felt like eternity but was merely seconds.

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