Chapter 5: Show time ⚠️TW⚠️

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The car rolled into the parking space that Shawn had reserved for us, there was even a security guard next to it to make sure no one took it. Good thing there was too because not only was the stadium car park full but every parking space in every direction for at least a mile was filled. No one had been let in yet so there was a grand gathering of people outside the entrance, everyone from; teenage girls, their dads, young mothers living out their teenage dreams with their kids who weren't interested, married couples and obviously the gays and theys.

The security guard came over to our car and introduced himself
"Hi I'm Greg, you must be Y/N" he held his hand out to Cole who responded with
"I'm Cole that's Y/N but nice to meet you" he shook his hand anyway so the already flustered guard didn't get more embarrassed.
"Apologies," he turned to me "good evening Y/N I'm afraid your family will have to go through the front entrance but if you don't mind Mr. Mendes has asked me to bring you in through the back way" his stance was very formal and guard like and he was dressed in a plain black top and black trousers with some blacked out glasses and an earpiece like any typical security guard.
"Of course, I'll see you guys later" I waved as my family started towards the front entrance.

Greg and I begin walking in an awkward silence towards the back door.
"It's not very formal of me to say this but Mr. Mendes has been talking about you a lot" Greg broke the silence.
"Oh really" I smirk "what's he been saying"
"Oh I really shouldn't say" he looks away nervously.
"Hey it's ok, is this one of your first jobs as a body guard" I asked curiously
"Yeah how could you tell" he laughed shyly.
"Don't worry your doing great" I reassured him.

⚠️Trigger Warning!⚠️

We reached the back door and Greg opened it for me. I walked inside and came to a horrifying realisation, this wasn't where I was supposed to be, it looked more like a storage cupboard. I spun around just as Greg slammed the door.
"Wha- what's going on" I began stepping backwards slowly until my back pressed against the cold stone wall, a chill ran down my spine as I realised what was happening.
"Scream and you die" Greg brandished a gun that he had pulled from his utility belt.
"Now, undress" I stood frozen in fear and tears began forming in my eyes.
"Please... don't" I whimpered in fear.
He began stomping towards me yelling "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME BOY, I SAID UNDESS!" His face was inches from mine. I swallowed my fear just about as my primal instincts kicked in.
"No." I brought my knee up quickly and made contact with his crotch, as he keeled over forwards I grabbed his head and slammed it into the same knee and pushed his unconscious  body to the side. I found some rope and tied him up before heading out of the room.

I managed to find my own way into the building and I requested one of the guards to take me to Shawn and thankfully they did.
"Hey you made it" Shawn greeted me with a big hug and even though I should be excited and happy all I feel is violated and terrified. Shawn pulled back and looked into my eyes and at my shaking body.
"Hey are you ok, you look terrified" I couldn't hold back the tears any longer, tears flowed from my eyes like salty waterfalls and I collapsed into Shawns arms.
"Hey hey it's ok shh sh it's ok" he started stroking my hair, he doesn't know me at all and I don't know him but I felt more comforted in his arms now than I ever have in my life.
"Is everything ok did something happen"
"Greg- he- I-" I couldn't get a word out through my sobs.
"Hey hey listen ok your all right, calm down take a minute to catch your breath we've got plenty of time" his voice was so soothing,
"Hey can we get a cup of water here please" he called to one of the staff at the stadium and they disappeared before returning swiftly with a cup of water in hand, Shawn handed the cup to me "here drink up."

My sobs had died down and I had managed to compose myself a little.
"Ok I think I'm ready to talk"
"Are you sure, do you want your family?"
"No! No it's fine" I didn't want to worry them, not yet at least. I told Shawn what had happened and he sat there and listened intently. He called the police for Greg and hugged me once more stroking my hair. By this time I was as composed as I could be based on recent events and even after the police had taken Greg away I was still pretty shaken.
"Mr. Mendes, sir show starts in 10 minutes" one of the workers said which caused me to start panicking.
"Tell them it's cancelled" I swing my head up to look at Shawn.
"What?!" I said a little too quickly
"Your not in any state to perform like this and I'm not leaving your side for one second" he was so incredibly sweet but I couldn't let him cancel an entire concert for me.
"No I want to perform, I came all the way here tonight for this, for you please." I pleaded. He looked at me with the most sympathetic eyes I've ever seen and after a good few minutes he said "ok... but only if your sure"
"I am"
"Ok then let's do this" we got up and started walking towards the stage.

I was handed a microphone and was ready to put on a show, I wasn't about to let what happened ruined the night I had dreamed of for years, no, no way was that happening. The music started and Shawn and I performed perfectly despite our lack of rehearsal. I sang my heart out and with every breath I took I could feel all my fears drain from my body and the cheering from the crowd silenced the dark voices in my head.

After the show I was still buzzing, I had almost forgotten the earlier events... almost. Something like that isn't easy to forget and I have no doubt it will continue to haunt me for a long while now. Shawn ran up and hugged me and despite how sweaty we both were it was amazing.
"That was so great Y/N! Your voice is even better in person"
"Thanks you were so great as well" we stood in an excited silence for a few seconds before Shawn broke it with a question.
"So I know tonight's been a little crazy but I was wondering if I could get your number. I know we have insta but I'm sure you can imagine why I don't like going into my dms all that often" he chuckled nervously and I couldn't help but let the biggest grin crawl onto my face.
"I would love to give you my number" I wrote it down on a piece of paper and handed it to him. He escorted me personally to my family and the car before waving me off as we drove away.
Just as we were pulling out we saw a wave of fan girls running at full speed at Shawn who was fully focused on the car, luckily security stopped them before they pounced on him, I couldn't help but laugh a little before turning back to my family, I couldn't tell them what happened, not yet at Least...

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