Chapter 4: the brightest dawn

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The day was here, finally! It had been a little while but the day had finally arrived. Tonight I'm going to meet Shawn Mendes!! I have never been so excited for anything in my life, I'm like a 14 year old girl who just got given a puppy.

It's 6am, I woke up at the crack of dawn so I could make sure I was ready and everything was perfect even though the show wasn't until 6pm. As soon as I woke up I went downstairs and prepared myself a healthy breakfast compiling of herbal tea, whole meal oats and a banana.

After I finished my breakfast I heard my phone go off.

I can not believe I just got a small from SHAWN MENDES! I already knew what I had to do as it was in the caption of the competition post but I can't believe he messaged me just to check. A few days ago I had gotten a message from Shawn's agent explaining the details of what I'd be singing and when, honestly after that my nerves are through the roof. I have plenty of time before I should start getting ready so I decide to watch some Netflix

After watching Netflix maybe for a bit longer than I should have I decided it's time to get ready, it was 3pm and the stadium was a good hour and a half drive away which leaves me a good hour and a half to get ready. I hopped in the shower making sure I was extra clean and then went to grab out my pre-planned outfit. I opened the wardrobe and began panicking when I realised it wasn't there! I started flinging things everywhere looking for it but it was no where to be seen. I started getting a little flustered so I called out to my mum
"YEAH ITS IN THE TUMBLE DRYER I WASHED IT WITH THE REALLY GOID STUFF SO IT WOULD SMELL NICE" she called back. I walked to the washer room so we didn't have to yell to hear each other.
"Thanks ma but you could have let me know" I laugh a bit.
"Sos, but here it should be all done now"
She handed me the clothes and I went back up to my room to change so I didn't have to clutch this towel around my waist.

I styled my hair so it'd look good and walked in front of the mirror just to check everything looked perfect and it did well apart from the fact it's me of course, low self esteem yay I joke in my head. I run downstairs ready to go and see everyone waiting for me.
"What's this..." I ask curiously and cautiously
"We're all coming to see you perform" Tony announced gleefully.
"Really?!" I ask excitedly
"Yeah mum bought us all tickets, she wanted us all to see your first step towards your dreams" Nathaniel added
"Well then what are we waiting for" I say and we all head towards the minivan, once inside I put my headphones in and let Shawns sweet voice take me to my happy place so that the journey may slip away.

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