Chapter 15: The Death

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Authors note :

Hi readers ! Just wanted to say something before the chapter begins . "The title says it all".

That's all, let's begin !

Y/n's POV :

I had managed to sneak out in the middle of the night without anyone noticing .

Okay I will be honest , I may have ordered the guards to let me pass cause I am the freakin second in command of TSO USA !

Anyway I told the guard to drive me to the air port .
After I arrived at the airport I thanked the guard and he nodded and went back to base .

After he left I took out the tracking device and checked where Alex and Allison were .

It said that they were someone in London .

Then that's where I am going to go .

The flight from USA to UK took a few hours but in a few hours I arrived in London .

As much as I would like to see the London Bridge that I heard non stop about when I was a kid from the poem "London bridge is falling down" , I had more important matters at hand .

I checked into a near hotel that was close to The destination .

I decided to go straight to their base or house or whatever .

I decided to change my look . I don't usually use make up but the circumstances were dire .

It was the afternoon now , and I started to use my months of training at use .

I cut my hair which reached till my hips and I cut them till a little below my shoulders .

(Authors note : hi I don't know how girls do make up so I am gonna do my best . Don't judge if it's horrible)

Then I dyed my hair pure night black .

I made my hair in straight hair and a few curls .

Then I took a nail polish and painted my nails red and I put mascara on my eyes .

Then I didn't want to over do it so I skipped the rest .

After I checked my self and and when I was satisfied, I put pink lip stick and behold I was stunningly done .

I then opened my suite case and took out a beautiful red dress that reached till my feet . I don't those long princess type of dresses by the way .

Then I took my wallet and off I went .

As o reached the destination of there house or base I noticed that it was in the middle of the woods!

But thankfully I had a sharp Mind and I memorized my every step.

I notice a few guards coming towards me .

Shit that wasn't the plan .

The guards look at me suspiciously then it looked like realization dawned on them .

Fuck !! I thought my disguise was good enough .

I also wore sunglasses and blue eye contact for assurance then how !!

I was cut of when from my thoughts when one of the guards said : " Sorry mam , you must be one of Master Alex latest sex girl".

'Sex girl ?'I thought to my self then I realized what the guard meant and I cringed internally . This Alex guy is disgusting.

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