Chapter 25: The End of Something Part 1

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Authors note :

Hi readers ! Want to hear something funny !

We reached 1K !!!!!!!!!

Now your thinking 1 K views right ? Well sorry to prove you wrong I meant 1K comments .

Yep you heard that right ! We reached more than 1000 or 1 K comments !

Anyway let's begin ! There is about to be a big plot twist so I advise reading the first 10 chapters of book 1 of Aidan Gallagher the serial killer series of you want to understand .

Unless you have good memory than your good to go !

Anyway let's begin !


Aidan's POV :

We were all sitting in the meeting room and I was staring at commander Harbor in awe .

He really is the commander of TSO USA .

Damn who would have thought that ...

But that's not why we are here .

There's a very high possibility that the TSO world ruling weapon has been found !

After everyone came here , we all looked at Jamie expectantly .

She started to say : "Alright , I will be straight to the point . The light has found he secret weapon of the TSO and how do I know ? Well apparently a jet was outed by our satellites that belonged to the light and it landed near a pyramid in Jordan , Egypt .

We sent a spy there and it turns out Allison's mom who goes by the lady in black also the leader of the light had bought all the land near the pyramid:

The spy has spotted a dozens of soldiers and all of our soldiers are wounded and unable to fight .

So it's up to us to save the world from whatever twisted thing the lady in black has planned .

And get this the entire pyramid is the secret weapon of TSO .

So here me out .

Commander Harbor , Aidan , Y/n , Asher and Nick you all form a team and you will have 10 of our still healthy soldiers go with you to Egypt to prevent the lady in black from activating the weapon .

And Commander John, Amelia , Ben you three take the remaining 5 healthy soldiers and go to London .

We have good news that the Mr and Ms Gallagher and Amelia's and Ben's parents are locked up there .

And that's all let's move out !"

Well that was a lot to take in .

But anyways we all move out

Thank god mom and dad are okay .

We all move to our respective teams and get into the jets and move out .

Jamie's POV :

God I hope it all works out in the end .

Someone taps on my shoulder and I see Marcy and Krist looking at me with a look that says 'Bitch, what the hell are we suppose to do?'.

I sigh and tell them since there pregnant I can't risk there safety and they hesitantly nod and go to their rooms .

Well that was easier than I thought .

A few hours later .......

Fuck !!! Yes !!! Commander Johns team succeeded .

All the parents I secured !!!

And from what I heard Ben and Amelia were crying like babies when they met there parents after a year .

Thankfully they were alright including Aidan's parents .

Marcy and Krist were still in there rooms definitely pissed as fuck at me for not letting them go .

And Commander Harbors team just reached there destination.

All is well for now .

Aidan's POV :

We arrived at the pyramid and instead of the usual yellowish it was made of metal .

That's probably after they resurfaced it .

But damn it looks cool.

Immediately after we land we got in a gun fight.

Y/n was occasionally firing while commander Harbor , Asher , nick and I were full on terminator mode .

We kept firing non stop and our small army of 10 people were also firing at the enemy .

There were only a dozen enemy guards .

This was too easy and in no time all the enemy guards were dead .

That only left the lady in black .

Just as we were about to go towards the pyramid an army of nearly 200 light members appeared and began firing at us .

Well fuck!

All of immediately ducked and we occasionally fired at them .

And soon enough we were out of bullets .

Shit !

We only had a few grenades left .

Then we noticed the enemy's two private jets going towards us .
Shit ! We're so screwed .

But instead of firing at us , the two jets fired missiles at the enemy and all the enemy were blown to dust .

"I am having a feeling of deja way" I heard Asher say.

The planes landed and and from one plane out came marcy and from the second out came Krist and they both had smug looks on there faces .

They collectively said : "Don't mess with the pregnant duo or will be dust".

Well I can't be Thankful enough that they didn't listen to Jamie .

Chief Harbor and the 10 soldiers stayed outside while the six of us or rather the The threesome Gallagher couple went inside the pyramid and we came face to face with the lady in black .

She looked at us and said : "Congratulations! You made it !" And she began to clap her hands .

She then said : "I have been waiting for this moment . The moment I take over the world . And I have a special hate against you Aidan !"

I and the rest of us looked at her confused . I asked "why ?"

She said : "Because not only you killed my daughter Allison but you also killed my son"

She continued: "And don't think I didn't know that when you were Alex I didn't know that you drugged the guard into killing Allison".

I was shocked and said : "when did I kill your son? And if I did I would have been the serial killer I was."

Because I am pretty sure I would have remembered killing someone like that .

She said : "Oh you killed him right before you left your serial killer side . You smashed his head so much that he died and became unrecognizable".

Y/n, Marcy and I had realization dawned on us . While Krist , Marcy and Asher were confused .

She said : "You killed my son . His name was ...............



Authors note :

Hi readers ! How was the chapter and the plot twist .

Yes the lady in black is Ricky's biological mother .

Yes the same Ricky that was y/n's and Marcy's friend .i mean Marcy's boyfriend.

Anyway see you soon ,
Bye !

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