Chapter 21: The Easy Escape

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Aidan's POV :

Umm .... what now ....

I hadn't planned on having sex with y/n .

It was in the heat of the moment and one thing led to another and you know how that goes .

I sigh and get out of bed and wear some decent cloths . Eventually y/n also gets up And wears her cloths or her dress .

She said "We should get out of here and I don't just mean this house I mean the entire UK".

I nod and say : "I know but it's not like we could just walk out of the room. And no one would stop us".

'Yeah' y/n replies .

Then as if the same thought came to both of us and let's say we literally walked out and no one stopped us .

Thank you Alex .... I think to myself ... but on a side note alex if you were a real person I would have killed you myself because you tried to hurt my friends and family .

Those who haven't realized it .. I don't consider myself as Alex .

Alex is dead . And I am not Alex Dangerman, I am Aidan Gallagher !

I snap out of my thoughts as we were walking in the forest .

Apparently y/n knows her way back.

Unfortunately a guard came to us and stopped us just as we were about to go .

He eyes our hands suspiciously and said : "Sir what are you doing here and where are you going ?"

Oh shit he's in too us .. I think of a way to get out of this situation . Y/n wasn't helping with her stuttering either .

So we basically did what came to our minds . Y/n kicked the guard in the balls and I was reminded that y/n that she had kneed me or Alex twice .

Soon after she kicked the guard where the sun doesn't shine , I punched him in the Face .

And then y/n and I both at the same time kicked the guard so hard with all our strength where the sun doesn't shine that the guard literally passed out .

Maybe a died ........

Well it's his fault ... Don't mess with the lovers .

Damn y/n really had changed .

I wonder if we cops make more combos together .

Sexual combos ..... I mentally slap myself for thinking that .. I meant fighting combos .

We reached the end of the forest where the jet that we would steal was .

But one problem brother y/n not I can't drive a jet .

So were screwed .. I notice that we were not alone and that a guy was there staring at a table and he was wearing a pilot uniform .

Perfect ! I quickly take out my pocket knife and hold it to his throat and I tell him that he will pilot the plane for us .

He was trembling in fear and he nodded .

Jesus am I that scary .... Just in case the pilot guy decided to betray us .. I went to his ear and whispered all the terrible gory and bloody things I would do to him .

I only said the least worst things I could think of . At least they were the least worst for me ..

The pilot looked at me with immense fear and he literally pissed himself .

I had no words for that . An adult scared of a teen .

Well technically I am 18 now . So I am an adult .

Wow and that was just the least worst . He would have a heart attack before I go to medium worst .

After the pilot changed his cloths I gave him a pointed look and he practically flew to the plane .

We went inside and he flew us to the coordinates that y/n gave him .

According to y/n it was the TSO USA or rather her base . Still haven't wrapped my mind around that .

I would finally get to see and meet my friends and family again !!!

I am so excited !! Wait ... will they accept me considering I tried to kill them as Alex ? What am I thinking of course they will .
I can't wait .

I see y/n looking nervous again . I knew she was hiding something.

I know she didn't tell me something when she was telling me what I missed out in the year ..

And I know it was something big .

But I don't know what it was .

What could possibly be that she hadn't told me ?

I had asked her but she said she will tell me at the base .

I nodded and accepted but I couldn't stop and think what it was ?

Krist POV :

This isn't happening!!

This couldn't happen ?!?!

How did it happen ?!

Why did happen ?!

I think the last two were obvious and I blushed .

But this was a matter of great concern that would decide the future of more than two lives.

I barge into nick's room and he had a smirk on his face : "Krist ... already here for round three ."

I blushed . How dare he ! I wanted to be the one to say that .

But that doesn't matter !

Nick looked at the seriousness on my face and he stood up and asked me what's wrong .

I take a deep deep breath:

I say "Nick ........................

I am Pregnant"


Hi readers how was the chapter ?

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Yes Krist is pregnant !

See you soon ,
Bye !

The Light and Shadows (Aidan Gallagher Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora