Chapter 27: The End of Something Part 3

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Aidan's POV :

Well fuck !

As much great that white beam looks I would rather not be under her mind control .

"Wait a second , why aren't we under your mind control ?" I say out loud to her .

Maria looks at me and says : "Because all seven of us are inside this Pyramid. This place prevents the mind control to affect the person inside it .

Look out side where your army was ."

We look out side and see everyone frozen still not moving .

Shit !!!

I immediately talk through the radio "Amelia , Jamie , Ben anyone !! Answer !"

But only silence was heard .

Maria looked at us and said : "Watch this". She closed her eyes and suddenly we heard Amelia , Ben , Jamie and everyone else all collectively say : "Long live Queen Maria".

Well that's fucking fantastic !

And creepy as hell .

Krist steps forward and asks : "How are you doing this?"

Maria replies : "Well you see this machine allows me to mind control every single life on the planet .

The machine took some of my blood and everyone who has a blood relation to me can control the world .

But no one who is off my bloodline or near  it is alive . The white beam is a wave of impulses that are connected through my blood .

The waves hit the satellites surrounding the earth and then transfer it to he other satellites .

Hence the entire earth is covered with the white barrier .

The satellites then further transmit the waves into all electronic devices like TV , phones and radio stations .

And the person in the closest proximity of 10000 km to the device is under my control .'

And now a days there's no one who doesn't have those devices .

The waves from the small devices send the impulses to the brain and the brain then only does what I want it to do."

Well that's kinda awesome if I am being honest . But not the right time to be praising this .

Apparently y/n also has a question : "I have to ask , how do you even know about the TSOs in the first place ?"

Maria had a somber look in her face and she was contemplating if she should tell us or not .

She decides to say it anyway and says : "well you see y/n, I was like you , not the whole kindness and stuff like that eww, but I was like you as a soon to be leader of a TSO .

Yes that's right , I was the soon to be leader of TSO UK.

I am also a descendent if the original TSO leaders .

But my parents didn't want more than two children so they threw me away when I was 13 years old .

No one came for me . But I found my way back anyway . I plotted my revenge for years . 27 years I have been fantasizing my return .

Then I found a way to take the ultimate revenge . I formed my own army , I started from being a drug mafia leader to twisting it around to become the Light .

And I have finally accomplished it .

I destroyed the TSO UK and everyone that was in it . So my blood relatives are gone and I am the lone ruler of the world !"

Wait a minute...... holy shit ! She doesn't know ! There was one more survivor of TSO Uk . The boy about our age ! Michael ! But last I heard he was in coma . But if he wakes up soon he could stop this cryptic lady or rather his aunt ?

Wait that automatically means Ricky was also a descendent of the TSO leader of UK !!

Jesus I need to rest my mind a bit . Too much information to handle for one day .

But Michael isn't here .

So it's up to us to stop the crazy lady .

We tell the girls or rather our girlfriends to step back and Asher , nick and I prepare to fight the crazy lady .

I felt bad for what her parents did to her but she has gone to far for remorse .

Maria notices our defensive stances and she has a evil grin on her face .

She throws her purse and umbrella to the side . She then takes off her dress , and I could feel the girlfriends glaring at Maria .

She then is only wearing what you call a karate suit .

She says : "Don't forget that I was also trained in the TSO , plus I have one if the highest karate belts and I have personal fighting experience. So don't take me for a old lady . And three pretty boys like you can't even harm me."

I wanted to laugh at her but her attack stance and her cloths abs confidence and the look in her eyes was starting to make me lose confidence .
And I never ever lose confidence .

Before we knew it all Asher , nick and I were charging at Maria who just stood there and a smile crept up her face.

Asher , nick and I way stronger than the average person but somehow I have a bad feeling that this crazy lady or Maria is no joke either.


Hi readers !
How was the chapter ?

Vote and comment if you liked it !

Yes no one in the pyramid has any guns or stuff like that .

It's Maria against the three Gallagher brothers !

Who do you think is going to win ?

See you soon ,
Bye !

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