Part 5; The Hell Hole

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I woke up on the surprisingly cold floor of one of the resting places before Hell. Was it Hell? I can't even remember. As I was opening my eyes, I could feel small hands holding my face, warming me up as the shadowy figure was shaking my head to wake me up. I saw a big eye staring at me. It looked like.. this figure seems to have seen a lot in their lifetime... whatever it is. When I finally gained full consciousness, I was able to comprehend what was going on. It was.. Luci? I jumped at the sight of him stressing to make sure I was okay.


God dammit. How could this have gone so wrong?
"Lina.. please wake up. I can't have you dead.. Bean needs an actual human friend for once to be mentally stable, and you saved us. More specifically, you saved me from that cramped ass jar.." I exclaimed. I went into such a panic that it caused me to remember the girl's name, which I usually don't even bother doing with most girls. I went to grab her face. She was so cold.. how come? Crap.. please don't be dead! I decided to shake her head around, hoping it'd shock her awake. She started to wake up.. and for just a second.. we locked eyes. That was strange. What the hell? Why does she look so... familiar? Those green eyes, the buck teeth that really aren't as prominent as Bean's, the shiny golden look of her blonde hair. Is that natural? Has it always been that way? And her demon suit.. I picked it up. She said she hasn't used it, and it's still so small, hardly stretched out the way Cloyd's is. When was the last time she's been here? She realized we were staring at each other, she jumped up and I fell off of her. Sorry that I'm not tall enough to reach her from the ground when she was slumped against a wall! You try being this short.


"Woah! Didn't mean to scare ya," Luci started, "Just had to make sure you weren't dead.. I didn't wanna have to meet YOU in Hell too." He chuckled.
I looked at him and rolled my eyes. I could sense he was trying to cover the fact that he was genuinely worried about me.. and it was hilarious.
"Oh whatever," I laughed. "So.. where's Bean?"
He looked over the edge and pointed up.
I walked out of the resting spot and saw the tens of thousands of flights of stairs spiraling down. I remember this all too well. She had made it out of Dagmar's grasp.. but she's got a long way to go still.
"Sheesh. I guess we have to wait here and hope she comes all the way down." I sighed.
Luci laid the demon suits down and curled up on top of them.
"I don't know about you, but I'm gonna take a cat nap- I mean a nap" He said, embarrassed that he called himself a cat.
I giggled, "So, you don't like it when people call you a cat? I think being called a cat is an adorable nickname. But, you probably don't want to be adorable. I feel like you'd rather be called sexy or something. Makes sense for a demon."
He peered over at me as I said that. I realized what I had said, and I scratched the back of my head with embarrassment.
"Wait- I wasn't calling you- I just meant-" I stuttered.
Lina, god.
"Haha, goodnight Lina." Luci said quietly.
Damn, he finally got my name down.
It wasn't even night- but I guess that doesn't matter when you're waiting things out in between Hell itself and Earth.

I rested my back against the wall, checking my hand every now and then. I winced at the pain of re-wrapping the cloth around my wounded palm.
It's been.. not sure how many hours. Luci was starting to wake up as we both heard a voice.
"Luci?! Lina!! Ugh.. where are they? It's been hours." they yelled.
"Is that... Bean? BEAN! Down here!" I yelled.
Luci jumped. "Hey! asshole! You woke me up!" Luci yelled at me. He stood up to walk over to me as he saw Bean less than a flight of stairs above us.
"Bean!! Over here!" He added.
Bean ran over to us.. dumb idea since there's no railing. She made it into the resting point.. panting with her hands on her knees.
We all decided to move along.. even though Bean was tired and I was in lots of pain. Luci was perfectly fine.. lucky.

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